Happy System Administrator Day, friends

Today is not just Friday, but the last Friday of July, which means that in the late afternoon small groups in subnet masks with patchcord whips and cats under their arms will rush to pester citizens with questions: “Did you write on Powershell?”, “And you pulled the optics? " and shout "For LAN!" But this is in a parallel universe, and on planet Earth, guys all over the world will quietly open a beer or lemonade, whisper to the server “Don't fall, bro” and ... continue to work. Because without them, data centers, server, business clusters, computer networks, the Internet, IP-telephony and this 1C of yours will not work. Nothing will happen without them. System administrators, it's all about you! And this post is for you too.

We shake your hand, sysadmins!

On Habré, holivars about the fate of the system administrator in the XXI century have already been started several times. Users discussed whether it is worth going to system administrators, whether the profession has a future, whether cloud technologies have killed the system administrators, whether it makes sense to be an administrator outside the DevOps paradigm. It was beautiful, pompous, in places convincing. Until March 2020. The companies went home and the realization suddenly came: a good system administrator is not only a guarantee of a comfortable existence of the company, but a guarantee of a quick transformation into a home office. All over the world, and, of course, in Russia, the golden hands and heads of administrators set up VPN, threw channels to users, set up workplaces (sometimes directly driving through the homes of colleagues!), Set up forwarding to virtual and iron PBXs, connected printers and picked 1C on kitchens of accountants.And then these guys monitored the IT infrastructure of the new distributed team and rushed to the office to set up and pick up the fallen, issuing a pass and despite the danger of infection. These are not doctors, not couriers, not shop assistants - they are not erected monuments or painted with graffiti, and, in general, they are not even paid a bonus for “you do your job”. And they did great. Therefore, we start our holiday post with gratitude to all these guys and girls! You are strength.Therefore, we start our holiday post with gratitude to all these guys and girls! You are strength.Therefore, we start our holiday post with gratitude to all these guys and girls! You are strength.

Just a user through the eyes of an admin

Now you can relax

We asked our system administrators to tell stories about how they came to the profession: funny, nostalgic, sometimes even a little tragic. We are glad to share them with you and at the same time comment on them a little. Let's learn from someone else's experience.


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  • , , . , . DevOps , , DevSecOps . . , .

I worked for a software company that sold (and still does) all over the world. As for any B2C market, the main thing was the speed of development and the frequency of new releases with features and new interfaces. The company is small and very democratic: if you want to sit on VKontakte, if you want to read Habr, just submit quality work on time. Everything was fine until ... May 2016. At the end of May, continuous problems began: the release was overdue, the new interface got stuck in the bowels of the design department, salespeople howled that they were left without updates. It seemed that here, as in Hottabych, the whole team suddenly fell ill with measles and is now not in the ranks. Nothing helped: neither the general appeal, nor the meeting. The work has magically stopped. And, I must say, I am absolutely not a gamer - one of thosewho prefers to code a pet project or solder some arduino game. What I did at work in my free time. And if I was a gamer, I would know that on May 13, 2016, on this damn date, a new Doom was released. In which the whole office was cut! When I scanned the work network, I turned gray - literally. How was it to tell the boss about this? How can you siege and return 17 people to work without the boss's resource ?! In general, he demolished everything that could be from everyone and held preventive conversations one by one. It was unpleasant, but I realized my professional failure and even more realized that there is no company whose staff can be 100% trusted. The boss didn’t find out about anything, colleagues hummed and stopped, I set up monitoring with alerts, and soon moved on to development, and then to DevOps. The story is epic and humorous in places, but the sediment remained - and from myself,and from colleagues.

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Okay, okay, let's tie up with moralizing and proceed to the most pleasant.

Happy System Administrator Day, everyone!

Guys and girls, let your users be cats, servers don't let you down, providers don't cheat, tools will be effective, monitoring is efficient and reliable, managers - adequate. Easy tasks for you, clear and resolvable incidents, graceful approaches to work and more Linux mood. 

In general, so that the ping runs and the money is

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Tell us in the comments what the administration brought you? We will give the authors of the most interesting answers on the old system unit as a gift)

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