Successful launch. Mars rover. 2020 launches: 58th, 52nd successful, 21st from USA

Vyacheslav Ermolin, July 30, 2020


Launch of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover. Search for "traces of life" on Mars. The first drone to fly in the atmosphere. Collecting soil samples for return to Earth (in the next missions). Scientific and technological experiments.


, , .


30 2020 . 11:50 UTC. (SLC)-41, - (CCAFS), .


Atlas V 541. - ULA ( ). - ( -180). 4- . Centaur ( -).


Mars 2020 Perseverance («») — . Curiosity.

  • « » .
  • , , (23 ).
  • ( ).
  • .
  • Ingenuity («») .


: 150 x 270 , 29,1°.

«-» ( 7 ).

: , ( ).


  • 4- ULA 2020 ( Atlas V).
  • 139- ULA .
  • 85- Atlas V . .
  • The 5th fifth American rover that NASA sends to study the Red Planet.
  • The world's largest rover, weighing up to 1025 kg, length 3 meters and width 2.7 meters.
  • The launch cost of the Atlas V launch vehicle on this mission is $ 243 million.
  • The cost of the entire mission is $ 2,340 million.
  • The cost of one kilogram of payload delivered to the surface of Mars is more than $ 2 million.

Link to high quality image

Article from the NSF portal to the launch (google translation)

Information about the launch from Everyday Astrounavt (google translation)

Patches and logos of the Legend to the "header" mission

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