Do you want to make a million?

Everyone knows the phrase of Ron Hubbard "... if you want to make a million - create your own religion", which he issued in 1950. Then he created another destructive sect, it was possible in the 60s in the USA - which is still trying to establish itself in the world as a religion.

Although, sorry, friends.

First, it was said, or rather written in 1938.

Secondly, it was done by the inimitable George Orwell, who so skillfully wrote the dystopia "1984" that it was only now that his grateful readers in Great Britain and the United States began to realize that he was writing about them. Anyway, George was a noble joker, given where he worked and what he knew about the wider populace.

Thirdly, for the first time this phrase appeared in his letter in the form of the line β€œthere might be a lot of cash in starting a religion”: I would translate, β€œhow can you raise nice money if you start a religion”.

For a long time this simple and uncomplicated recipe was used only by Scientologists. But then brainy guys from IT pulled themselves up to them - with IQ they all had everything OK, and money and respect are never superfluous.

We will consider this exclusively my personal subjective hypothesis, but this is how Agile and then Scrum appeared. Long ago in the fourteenth century, William of Ockham formulated a wonderful phrase in one of his books: "Non sunt entia multiplicanda praeter necessitatem." So I wonder how development lived before the advent of Scrum. Probably she just wasn't there. In fact, "customer focus" is the final stage of the wonderful era of consumption, which is just ending - to revolve around the client, like the Sun around a flat Earth, and everything will be the way.

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Every day, in the morning, everyone should see their favorite faces of the team, and a second per second comes - even in person, even in Zoom, which will show respect and reverence to the product owner. Unfortunately Jeff Sutherland did not watch the Soviet film "Kin-Dza-Dza", otherwise he would have added color differentiation of his pants and the obligatory bell in the nose.

Do you believe in Agile and Scrum, as I do?

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