Kilokubit in my garage

- People did not know how to fly through the air before, and you say - it's a pity that we can only teleport within the galaxy.

- Well yes. I would like to see others too, ”Ivan said thoughtfully.

- We are working on it, - Sanyok said and laughed. - What power do you need?

- What?

- Yes, in my garage for 1764 a qubit is lying around. Is it okay?

- Not. I need a matrix of 1415 x 1415.

- Is it a square matrix?

- Yes. This configuration works best with my matter synthesizer.

- I see. Why can't you order?

- Yes, you understand ... I spent all the crypt that my parents gave me in the Mirror.

- Here you are a gambler! Is ordinary reality not enough for you? You hang out in virtual. Did you light up again with the Martians? Ha ha ha. 2 megakubits - you have to tinker here ...

- I put a box of beer! As you like - Martian malt, water and minerals from the rings of Saturn, the rest is earthly. Ahh! I will add more needles from the Sagittarius Constellation!

- Haha. Again smuggled from a business trip?

- Nope. Now the teleporter software detects automatically and does not let it through. Biosecurity, after all. You never know what bacteria or viruses you can bring.

- Synthesizing? Haha. That's what you need a quantum computer for? To churn out beer with needles! Ha ha ha.

- Well, not rye. For my coursework "Atomic synthesis of Russian pies with cabbage and mushrooms" I need.

- It sounds tempting - I will come to your defense. Help! Haha.

- There and without you ... pamagataroff will be. Hehe. So will you make a computer for me?

- Sure. You just need to run to the doctors.

- Why go to the doctors? They won't give you nanobots at the department?

- No. I spent the monthly rate. You see, I went for a ride on the airboard and fell from a ten-meter height. Exokombez glitched a little. I scratched my palms and knocked out my front teeth. Restored. In! Check it out!

- Yes. Like the real ones.

- They are real. Completely made with nerves and blood vessels. Moreover, inclusions of titanium - for strength.

- With titanium - cool! Why didn't you go to the clinic?

- Yes, I do not like doctors. I am my own doctor.

- You don't love, but you constantly drink with them!

- It's one thing to drink beer with them, it's another to go to the reception. Brrr. And they have some useful technologies at the department.

- So you are a mercenary corrupt official ?! Hehe.

- Yes! I am!

- What is there?

- An old medical laser with a micron beam with CNC. We'll have to do it the old fashioned way. Collect the sand and bake the impurity laser. Microelectronics ... so to speak.

- Semiconductors?

- Yes. That ancient "theme". When amplifiers were still made on bipolar transistors, some smart guy figured out that the noise everyone was trying to get rid of could be very useful. The point is in the quantum effects of the pn junction. When you send bursts of pulses to a semiconductor and take noise at the output, and filter the signal itself, you get a "problem solution".

- Why haven't they used it for so long?

- You understand ... There was a wide spread in the performance of microstructures. Because of this, there were different resonant frequencies. They had to be matched to each element. It was also necessary to correctly form the signal. Now we have both theory and tuning algorithms for any nanostructure. We can even use tree leaves as a quantum computer.

- This ultimately led to the creation of a synthesizer of matter?

- Yes. "Legs grow" from here. Ha ha ha.

- It will be necessary to study this issue - it will come in handy in the coursework.

- Come on! It can turn out to make pies like from a Russian oven. No feeling of "plasticity".

- It would be great! Well? "In burrows".

- Yeah. Come on. I was glad to see you.

- Mutually. While.

The friends went about their business. The shop in the park of the Polytechnic Academy is empty. Only their leaves rustled peacefully trees grown this morning by nanobotanists.

Ivan went to the dormitory of the Faculty of Subatomic Culinary, and Sanyok, a student of the Department of Femtoelectronics, rushed by airboard to the other end of the city to the dormitory of doctors. On the way, he bought a box of molecular beer and in his backpack, unnoticed, carried it over the heads of the robotic watch ... straight to the fiftieth floor.


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