Habr PRO webcast # 4: UFO summoned them. How do new authors feel in our club

Hello! We continue to collect applications for our TechnoText contest and today we decided to look at the topic of techno authorship not from the side of those who have been writing for a long time and successfully, but from the side of “recruits”. To do this, we, together with our partner in video broadcasts from SBTG.RU, organized a virtual studio and invited two habrawriters who just recently successfully passed moderation and are ready to share their experience. Interesting - go under the cat.

On third-party resources, Habr is often accused of having a high entry threshold, so it is very difficult to start writing on Habr. Meanwhile, through the moderation section only in July (and July is not over yet) almost one and a half hundred authors received invites. And we invited just such guys to visit: Dmitry Vornychev (deitry) and Evgeniya Petrenko (mrevgenx).

Dmitry wrote a post with 11 tips for using Git , and Eugene documented his process of becoming a full stack . Both members work for the Backend, so they have a lot to talk about. And we will ask them:

  • Why did they decide to write on Habr, how they prepared the first articles
  • How they survived the UFO review
  • How did the guys overcome self-criticism and perfectionism
  • How were their articles met in the comments and is there any benefit from criticism
  • What are their plans for the future
  • And how do they assess pre-moderation on Habré: is it needed or is it legacy, from which they have forgotten to get rid of

So, who wants to hear about the start on Habré and share their experience in the comments, we invite you to our webcast - it will be broadcast on July 30 at 19:00 on VK , Facebook , on YouTube and below in this post:

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