Fantasies on the theme of the universe about matter and matter

Is the substance material? Science has not been interested in this for a long time, a hundred years. For, I will quote: " according to quantum field theory, the subatomic world is a world where an uncountable number of fields exist everywhere, and particles are a local oscillation of this field, constantly moving with time ." Where or what are these fields the question is "wrong" - they just are.

In the article " Fantasies about the physical reason for the Lorentz contraction, explaining the invariance of the speed of light, etc." the dependence of the position of real particles on the configuration and speed of propagation of physical fields in space was mathematically substantiated . Since there it is also about fields and particles, there is something in common in these concepts.

I note that science fiction theories invented by serious scientists are often much more "crazy" than those outlined in this article, where, relying on the already substantiated, we fantasize about fields and particles that exist not in an abstract mathematical space, but as physically real in our common with the stars in 3-dimensional space.

1. Matter

In the aforementioned article (let us denote it by the source [1] , for it will have to be repeatedly referred to) it was shown that all the phenomena of the Einstein SRT receive a simple and visual explanation - in "our" 3-dimensional space, without involving 4-dimensional space-time Minkowski - only if space is not empty, but filled with some matter , which is not compressed by us as emptiness. And in this material environment, physical fields exist and propagate at a specific speed that determine the location and interaction of particles, the energy of rest and movement of which depends on the degree of compression of the area of ​​primary matter occupied by them. Oddly enough, this assumption was sufficient and no postulates were required.

The first matter has nothing to do with the substance that has the established name " World ether " or " luminiferous ether ". By the time of the creation of the theory of relativity, the ether was understood as a kind of substance that exists along with the material particles located in it, in which physical fields exist and spread, sometimes represented as a kind of vortex motion of ether particles. Michelson's experience showed that such aether does not exist.

First Matter is conceptually different from this classic ether. In itmaterial particles are presented as stresses and deformations (compression, for example) of local sections of primary matter, and they cannot exist outside or without it. Primal evasively called scholars " f Physically in akuum" (denoted by EF), about which agreement with the experience of Michelson talk is not accepted. With ubstantsiyu primal abbreviated SPI .

From Chapter 1 of article [1] it follows that material particles (atoms, molecules) are located in certain nodes of the "picture" of interacting physical fields associated with the particles. And this is understandable, not of their own will and desire, they are located there.

However, “internal” processes in elementary particles are also subject to Lorentz transformations. This is proved, for example, by slowing down the decay of sublight muons arising from the interaction of high-energy cosmic particles with atoms in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Otherwise, they would not have had time to reach the surface of the earth. And the fact that in synchrophasotrons it is necessary to take into account the factor of the increase in the mass of particles from speed, no matter what is accelerated there: electrons, protons or ions.

This means that the very "internal" structure of particles and their movement is also completely determined by the stresses and deformations of the primary matter. And this means that along with primary matter, no other matter exists. Otherwise, Lorentz contraction and other SRT phenomena would not be observed in particles.

From the fact thatphysical fields can be both longitudinal and transverse, we have to conclude that the substance of primary matter must be solid and elastic . And maybe even having some kind of crystalline microstructure. How and why it has such properties is not important here . We will consider a solid substance in which stress forces arise during its mechanical compression and shear deformations. The energy of matter, as substantiated in [1] , can be represented by the energy of its mechanical compression deformation.

Material particles, naturally, cannot squeeze through solid matter . This means that the material particles perceived by us must represent special states of deformations and stresses of the same matter, and not some entity different from it. They move, disappearing where they were, and appear, one might say "teleport", in a new place, which corresponds to new nodes of superposition of matter stress fields. Well, how not to recall from Pushkin: " There is no movement, said the sage, the brown-haired man. The other was silent and began to walk in front of him. " And the concluding words of Pushkin: " After all, the sun walks before us every day .

Further, we will consider, as hypotheses, of course, only such mechanisms of physical phenomena that can be realized in the three-dimensional space of the first matter. While they are not supported by theoretical calculations and are actually fabrications, but they follow from the concept mathematically justified in the article [1]...

2. Stability of material particles

Until now, no assumptions have been made, except for the existence of matter and the presence of physical fields in it.

But now let's assume that the primary matter has a tensile strength . For something absolutely solid can hardly exist . Accordingly, when the ultimate strength of matter under the force of the fields is exceeded, then it "sags". That is, some part of the SPI around the stress concentration point, let's say, collapses, forming a real particle , as a result of which the volume of matter there will decrease, which means that the compression stress around this point will also decrease.

But in order for this area not to “straighten out” after removing the excess stress of external fields, it is necessary to have internal pressure in the entire volume of primary matter. A slight decrease in the pressure and compression of the SPI near the particle is due to a decrease in the resistance of the collapsed section of the SPI . The pressure external to the corpuscle is compensated by the tangential stresses of the area of ​​matter around it. The corpuscle, together with the surrounding area of ​​lowered internal pressure around the compressed portion of the SPV, looks approximately as in Fig. 1.

Perhaps the stability of real particles is due to a different physical mechanism, but all further reasoning and hypotheses will be based on the above. Then this internal pressure in the entire volume of primary matter is not assumed, but is necessarily inevitable due to the obvious existence of stable particles.

3. Gravity

It is already clear that this area of ​​low pressure in the SPV is the gravitational field of the corpuscle . It is important to pay attention to the fact that the source of this field is not a corpuscle, but the surrounding SPV . If two similar corpuscles are brought closer together, then an attraction force arises between them due to the excess pressure from the SPV surrounding both corpuscles, as in Fig. 2.

The equality of gravitational and inertial masses can be explained.

To move a certain volume of a body from a region close to a corpuscle to a region with a more compressed primary matter distant from it, it is necessary to spend work on the compression of the body equal to the same during its acceleration, according to Chapter 6 of article [1]... Consequently, a body in a gravitational field is acted upon by a force equal to that necessary to impart acceleration to free fall.

It is natural to assume that in areas of primary matter of different density and speed of light is different. In the article [1] it was shown that “the speed of the flow of time” and other physical characteristics depend on the speed of light and the density of primary matter in the local area. Therefore, all theories of gravitation declaring the speed of light in a vacuum as a world constant are most likely untenable. In general, it is roughly clear how you can begin to build a theory of gravity.

4. "Dark energy" and "dark matter"

Since in the solid substance PV , which follows from the existence of stable particles, there is internal pressure, as a result of this, the primary matter tends to expand - which, in fact, is seen as the expansion of the universe, and with acceleration. And this energy of internal compression of primary matter by pressure, apparently, is what is called " dark energy " .

However, “dark matter” is also heard. Nobody knows what this is, but there are already a lot of theories - at the level of mathematical balancing act, of course. Note that, according to the theory presented here , in the area of ​​accumulation of matter, the force of internal pressure in the SPIweakened. This can be reflected either as a decrease in the gravitational constant, or as a decrease in mass, since at lower pressure, the compression energy of the SPV also decreases , which is the equivalent of mass. The new "material" theory of gravity should put everything in its place.

Nevertheless, it can already be argued that due to the higher concentration of matter inside galaxies, stars there are attracted to each other and to the center weaker than the same stars observed on the periphery of galaxies, where the external pressure in intergalactic matter is greater. And everything looks as if there is more gravity-creating substance in the galaxy than expected, the "excess" of which is attributed to " dark matter " .

5. Particles

We all know that a resilient bar resists pressure along it well, but if it bends slightly, the resistance drops dramatically. Formation of a corpuscle "with a turn" is schematically shown in Fig. 3.

At certain ratios of pressure in the SPV , mechanical properties of primary matter and size of a corpuscle, it will be stable.

The opposing forces of shear stresses will not be enough to turn it back again, and the weakened pressure force in the SPV around the corpuscle will not be enough to twist it more strongly.

Thus, at a given value of pressure in the SPV, the deformations of the boundary region of the corpuscle have specific constant values, which we associate with the concepts of various types of charges, spin, etc. The internal content of the collapsed region does not play any role at all , since all the properties of a corpuscle are fully expressed by the magnitude of constant values ​​and stress forms at its boundary .

Each corpuscle is a nonlocal object, all properties of which (mass, charge, etc.) are determined by the configuration of fields in the entire primary matter of the universe around the corpuscle. It is these external fields of the particle that apparently determine its motion in force fields and other interactions. The force of the external accelerating field acts on the fields associated with the particle, which are compressed according to Lorentz as the velocity increases.

It is logical to assume that in the case of inelastic collisions and other interactions leading to the transformation of particles, the boundaries of the corpuscles and their collapsed nuclei seem to disappear and another, common object is formed, not yet represented in particles. And there, probably, there is a local increase in pressure and density of primary matter with a concomitant increase in the speed of light.

"Quantum numbers" corresponding to the aggregate boundary values ​​determined by the external fields on the surfaces of the corpuscles before the interaction, should, as it were, be preserved in their totality after the interaction. The preservation of "quantum numbers" is most likely due to the fact that the entire range of local stresses in the SPVquickly (perhaps even with speeds of interaction exceeding the speed of light in a vacuum) and locally finds embodiment in a set of, even if unstable, but rapidly forming particles. And then everything is distributed into stable particles.

The energy contained at the current moment in all compressed states of particles must be conserved in all subsequent processes in the volume of the entire universe. Even if a pair of particles annihilates, then the SPV energy, potentially present in the collapsed nuclei of corpuscles and representing their rest masses, should be presented in a new form in the form of the energies of other particles formed in this case together with their kinetic energy (corresponding to their Lorentz contraction), energies of emitted photons, etc. For the pressure in the first matter, due, apparently, to global reasons, remains constant.

6. Physical fields

As we already know, the radial compression stresses of the SPV around the corpuscle correspond to the gravitational field. Let us assume that the shear stresses, according to the "thumb rule", set the electric field vector. Then the angle of rotation of the "upper" part of the corpuscle relative to the "lower" part determines its electric charge. Reciprocal rotation can be "left" or "right" - hence the positive and negative charges.

The magnetic field can be generated by the dynamics of the movement of electric fields and charges and, possibly , is represented by deformations of longitudinal displacements in the SPV . Accordingly, if the “bulge” corresponds to the north magnetic pole, then on the other hand, the opposite “concavity” corresponds to the south one.

I admit that I could be wrong in comparing the physical fields to the deformations and stresses of the SPV . The criterion of truth here could be the derivation of Maxwell's equations based on the deformation model of a solid PV . It would probably be interesting for theorists to tackle this real and urgent problem, completing Maxwell's unfinished work.

Fig. 4 conventionally depicts a hypothetical elementary charged particle.

The "twist" (front view along the arrows), which contributed to the collapse into a corpuscle, is fixed by the action of the forces of internal pressure in the SPV (purple arrows).

For us, this is the charge of the corpuscle and the electric field around it.

We would interpret the displacement deformations in its vicinity as the magnetic moment inherent in the corpuscle.
The corpuscle in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 will be conventionally considered an "electron". More complex particles may correspond to a polyhedron structure.

The figures below show hypothetical schemes for the interaction of the simplest charged elementary particles.

Figure 5 illustrates that in the presence of pressure in the SPI, unlike charges attract, and like charges repel (Fig. 6). Of course, the schemes themselves are not conclusive, but you can "start dancing" from them to determine the elastic properties of PV. For example, his Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.

I believe that understanding the dynamics of fields during the movement of elementary electric chargescould, if interested, contribute to the creation of electromagnetic propulsion.

There are some ideas ( not a warp drive ), but there is no theory yet.

7. Wave-corpuscle dualism

Only stresses can move in motionless matter, in the focus of concentration of which the particle nucleus appears.

In the process of motion, the matter contained in the core of the particle can be partially restored from the super-compressed state so that in the new place of localization of the focus of stresses, as a result of the interaction of fields, again collapse into the core of the particle. Probably similar processes explain the tunneling of particles through potential barriers.

Klaus Jonsson's experiment of electron interference in two slits unambiguously testifies that each electron is a "wave" and, being a nonlocal object (strictly speaking, infinite), passes through both slits to one degree or another., but "materializes" (in the act of interaction of fields) at a specific point of the detector .

If we try to track down which of the slits it passes specifically, then by doing so we detect (materialize) an electron in the slit itself, and after that it moves from it with preserving its original impulse to the screen - and we just get images of two slits. It is enough to put the detector in one of the slits, and if the electron is not caught in it, it means that it has passed mostly through the other slit: the detector cannot materialize half an electron. No interference will be observed anyway.

8. "Ideas rule the world"

Corpuscles, i.e. material particles, only fix and personify the "picture" of the fields that created them. But epistemologically, the problem is much deeper. We are intuitively sure that the manifested properties of an object are determined by its INTERNAL nature. But in fact, sometimes it turns out to be the opposite : the properties attributed by us to an object (particles and not only) are determined by the properties and state of what is outside the object. And this EXTERNAL forms and controls the object by which it (external) is only personified and personified. Well, it seems to us that this external is, as it were, generated by this object itself.

Note that physical fields, characterized by changes in the parameters of the medium of primary matter, form structures, which are essentially virtual information recorded on a tangible medium. When material particles are created, these information images are recorded in the “long-term memory” of the universe. Material particles are also just images, but more stable. But they, nevertheless, can be dynamically modified by rather energetic "field images". Moreover, the change initiative is determined by the dynamics of the information structures of physical fields , since only their change determines the movement and then the position of material bodies.

If information is designated by the concept of "spirit", and substance, as is customary, is called "matter", then this is the answer to the question that worries philosophers, which is primary - "spirit or matter".

The fantasies set forth below do not follow logically directly from the concept of matter as an altered state of areas of primary matter. And, for example, their fallibility does not in any way affect the truth of this fantastic concept itself.

9. Spin?

It can be assumed that the resistance of the SPV to compression weakens not only with the mutual twisting of the planes, but also a little more when symmetry is broken along the axis of rotation, as shown in Fig. 8.

As a result, a displacement of the SPI arises along the axis, which is perceived as a magnetic moment . This violation of symmetry is possibly related to one of the concepts of spin . Figure 8 shows conventionally an electron and, as its specular reflection, a positron .

Figure 9 shows why electrons in atomic orbitals prefer to bunch in pairs with opposite spins. The charge of the atomic nucleus (center) is indicated in brown. (Due to the greater mass, the core should be expected to be smaller).

10. Cosmology

Let's try to reconstruct the cosmological history of the universe based on the above concept of primary matter. To justify the attempt, I note that I consider the prevailing theory of the emergence of the universe from a singularity to be a mathematical exercise much more fantasy than even the one below.

So, we assume that the Metagalaxy is filled with primary matter, which is under pressure and partially in a super-compressed state in corpuscles. A reasonable question - where did this internal pressure come from?
Perhaps the fact is that the universe, that is, the primary matter in it, expanding, presses on the neighboring universes, whose inertial resistance causes this internal pressure in it.

It is logical to assume that it is precisely the magnitude of this pressure in primary matter and, accordingly, its density that determines the values ​​of the world constants.

Inertia (mass), as substantiated in [1] , is inherent in the SPI as a measure of the compression energy contained in it and is only personified by the visible presence of accompanying material bodies. Probably, in some universes of the Cosmos there is an expansion of the PV , and in neighboring universes , contraction, then vice versa, so that in general the volume of the Cosmos can be assumed to be stable.

It is clear that, due to internal pressure, the primary matter should expand, which is actually seen as an accelerating expansion of the universe. And it is clear that in this case the internal pressure in the SPVwill probably wane in the volume of the universe. And, perhaps, someday it will weaken so much that it will no longer be able to hold material elementary particles in a compressed collapsed state.

They will begin to "straighten out", passing into the elastic state of the SPV , which we perceive as empty space. As a result, matter will begin to disappear from the universe, naturally along with all its inhabitants, until it all becomes empty space, which, however, continues to expand. This is the first of the possible scenarios for the completely inevitable death of all life in our universe .

After a prolonged stage of expansion, possibly already in the form of "empty" space or before that, the universe can begin to contract due to the opposition of neighboring universes or, perhaps, due to elastic tensile forces, if there can be any in the SPV at all . Compressing, the former universe in its volume is gaining kinetic energy, which will be enough to exceed the elasticity limit of the SPV and force a significant part of the primary matter of the universe to collapse. Roughly analogous to how this is supposed to happen during the formation of material particles.

If this condition is not met, then matter will not arise in this area of ​​primary matter, and accordingly, it will not receive the status of the universe. So, somewhere in the center of the former and future of the universe begins to form a significant mass and size of land supercompressed SPV , which we call the usual term "black hole" ( BH ).

Note that the main factor in its formation is the strength of primary matter and the dynamics of motion, not gravity. And into this global black hole a significant volume of the former universe flows, along with everything that exists in it - and this is the second of the possible scenarios for the completely inevitable death of all life in our universe .

As justified above, a region with a reduced pressure is formed around the area with the collapsed section of the SPI - and to the greater extent, the larger the volume of the SPI was collapsed. As the overflow of SPV in BH reduced pressure inside and around black holes , and some point it is not enough to keep the primal in this Supercompressed state. And then the black hole will "boil" and become a "white hole" .

The Universe will begin to expand, especially since the residual pressure in the SPI surrounding the BH will be the same as in itself. In the thickness of the "boiled" global black hole“bubbles” of the elastic space of the PV will begin to appear , recovering from the substance to the state of collapse. Of course, all sorts of material elementary particles are also formed in the "steam" from the "boiled" BH . The bubbles will grow and merge, and the fragments of the global BH will group at the boundaries of the bubbles in the form of a mesh, which we now call the "cellular structure" of galaxy clusters, which can be seen in Fig. 11.

And all this is the so-called "Big Bang" , which, as we see, is very extended both in space and in time.

So, part of the primary matter from the collapsed and super-compressed in BHstate will pass into a normal elastic state of a larger volume, which we perceive as an ordinary empty space. And this will cause an increase in pressure in the SPI in the vicinity of the global BH and in it itself, which in turn will suspend the release of the other mass of primordial matter contained in it.

Probably fragments from an exploded global BH can be observed in the center of large galaxies in the form of supermassive BHs . And the galaxies themselves were formed from the matter created around these remains and in the process of evaporation of the global BH itself . Found young galaxies at distances of about 13 billion light years, in the center of which there are ALREADY supermassive BHs... That is, first BH , and then galaxies, and not vice versa.

A proportional relationship between the mass of a black hole in the galactic nucleus and the size of the galaxy itself is noted. The proportionality of the masses of the central black hole and the mass of the galaxy can be explained by the degree of consumption of the hidden matter of the original BH , which, in general, characterizes the degree of utilization of the energy potential of the entire universe.

I'll try to illustrate this with the following example. Suppose we have several inflated balloons of different sizes in a certain closed volume of air. It is clear that the pressure inside and outside the balls is almost the same. Then let the volume (in which the balls float) double (the pressure will decrease accordingly, but this is not important). It is clear that the size of each ball, both large and small, will also double. Only the original black holes in the process of the general expansion of the universal region of primordial matter do not change their “size”, but liberate the substance proportionally.

For the stage after the formation of galaxies, a certain homeostasis can be observed, when, despite the permanent expansion of primary matter, the pressure in it, and hence the values ​​of the world constants, remain constant due to the release of matter fromBH in galactic nuclei. Apparently, our universe is at just such a stage. As the universe expands, the reserves of super-compressed primary matter in the BH of galaxies will be used up, and then the pressure in the SPV itself will decrease and, accordingly, the values ​​of the world constants will change.

It should be noted that in this fantasy theory, the mechanism of BH origin differs from the generally accepted one and is associated not with the impossibility of light to overcome its gravitation , but, as already mentioned, with the resistance parameters of elasticity and strength of primary matter and continuum mechanics (CMM). But naturally BHpossesses gravity according to its mass. And due to a decrease in the density of primary matter near the BH boundary, there should also, as in general relativity , be observed the phenomena of time dilation, but due to the lower speed of light.

I would like to hope that some of the fantastic ideas outlined in the article, being creatively refined by professional theoreticians, may motivate some of them to risk (which I wildly doubt) become creators of new physics.

Sources used:

  1. " Fantasies about the physical reason for the Lorentz contraction, explaining the invariance of the speed of light, etc. "

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