Installing Zextras Zimbra 9 OSE Build on CentOS 8

With the release of Zimbra Collaboration Suite 9 Open-Source Edition, the list of supported operating systems has been expanded with the operating system CentOS 8. This operating system is based on the commercial RHEL distribution developed by Red Hat and is the most recent Linux distribution supported by Zimbra OSE. In this article, we will walk you through how to install Zimbra 9 OSE on CentOS 8.


CentOS 8 is available for download on the official website of  this GNU / Linux distribution. Download Zimbra 9 OSE can be downloaded from the Zextras website . After entering all the necessary contact information, you will receive links to versions of Zimbra 9 OSE for various GNU / Linux distributions by e-mail. Among them there will also be a version for CentOS 8. You can download it either through a browser or using the wget utility. By the way, if you are already using Zimbra OSE 8.8.15, you can use the Zextras build to update your mail server to the new version.

In order to install Zimbra 9 OSE, you must first prepare the server. The minimum system requirements that Zimbra OSE imposes on the server:

  • Processor on x86-64 architecture with a score of at least 15,000 in the PassMark test
  • 16 GB RAM
  • At least 100 GB of free disk space
  • FQDN, MX- and A-records in DNS
  • Correctly configured time zone and NTP

Let's configure the domain name of the server using the command  sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --static . Add A and MX records using the dig -t A and dig -t MX commands.

The Zimbra 9 OSE distribution is a .tgz archive. To install it, you must first unpack the archive using the  tar xvf zcs-9.0.0_OSE_RHEL8_latest-zextras.tgz command , go to the folder where the archive was unpacked, and then run the installation script using the sudo ./ command .

At the very beginning of the installation, the Zimbra 9 OSE installer will conduct the necessary checks for the presence of a correctly configured domain name, and will also offer to accept the terms of the license agreement. After confirming your consent, the installation will continue.

After that, the installer will prompt you to use the official Zimbra 9 OSE repositories and select the packages to install. As a reminder, the key components are Zimbra Core, Zimbra LDAP, Zimbra MTA, Zimbra Proxy, and Zimbra Store. However, the suggested list of components is much longer and you can install any additional packages.

After the packages are installed, the Zimbra 9 OSE Initial Configuration Wizard will open. Since in our case we are performing a single-server installation, we need to set an administrator password in it. To do this, find the menu item with the name «zimbra-store», press the corresponding number to him and in the submenu select 4. After entering the password, you must return to the previous menu by pressing r and apply the changes by pressing a .

The Zimbra 9 OSE web client will be available at , access to the administrator console can be obtained at : 7071.

In the event that you intend to use Zimbra 9 OSE in an enterprise, we also recommend installing Zextras Suite Pro extensions, which add important functions to Zimbra 9 OSE, such as transactional backup, delegation of administrator authority, hierarchical storage system, support for mobile devices by Exchange ActiveSync, as well as support for modern text and video chat, document co-authoring and corporate cloud storage.

In order to install Zextras Suite Pro, you need to download the archive with the installer from the official Zextras website , and then unpack it using the tar xfz zextras_suite-latest.tgz command, go to the folder with the unpacked files and run the installation script  sudo ./ all . The installer will automatically download all the necessary data, and after the installation is complete, you will only have to clear the Zimbra 9 OSE cache using the zmprov fc zimlet command .

After installing Zextras Suite Pro and purchasing a license, you will be able to fully enjoy the benefits of Zextras Suite Pro. After its expiration, you can either purchase a license for Zextras Suite Pro, or continue to use the free version of this solution, which allows Zimbra 9 OSE users to communicate in a convenient text chat both in the Zimbra 9 OSE web client and in a special mobile application for Android and iOS.

For all questions related to Zextras Suite, you can contact the Representative of the Zextras company Ekaterina Triandafilidi by e-mail

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