Why I teach and you should start teaching too

This is a story about a former university teacher who found his vocation in IT, but did not stop teaching young specialists. Meet Andrey Trubitsyn, Solution Architect, has been working with EPAM for almost 5 years. He has 8 years of teaching at the university and now he is involved in several educational projects of the company. Andrei did not aspire to teaching, but life was ordered differently. So, here's a first-person story.

How it all started

As a child, he was fond of the works of science fiction writers Asimov, Lem, Strugatsky, dreamed of creating robots. From the moment the 8-bit ZX Spectrum appeared in the house, all my thoughts were only about programming. At the Lyceum, I first got acquainted with computers from Europe, the first 286 machines. It was there that in the 11th grade I had my first teaching experience . I taught fifth graders about Norton Commander, how to copy files, run games, read information from a floppy disk. Studying mathematics at the university (the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University), like many students, I constantly worked part-time - I solved laboratory programming. In parallel, I entered graduate school. It turned out that there are many teachers of mathematics, but no computer science. Therefore, at 22I started giving lectures on programming . He taught a course on programming languages ​​C ++, Java, databases, special courses on design patterns, cryptography. At first it was scary - in the audience my yesterday's friends. It is difficult to perceive yourself in a new role, but this was just an excellent period of soft skills development.

Programming in Mechanics and Mathematics was treated as a humanitarian subject, few people really wanted to learn. I worked only with those students who were interested, I demanded a minimum of knowledge from others. Now it is different, when I teach, I see the return. People understand that programmers are earning higher than the market, and this is motivating. Sometimes I meet my former students among testers, programmers, although at one time they promised never to do programming. For the promise, I gave them three.

After graduation, I worked at the Institute for Integrated Automation, which developed programs for nuclear power plants. By the way, a couple of my programs are still "spinning" at the Khmelnytsky, South-Ukrainian NPP. While I was writing my Ph.D. and teaching, another institute asked to build a system for monitoring the growth and manufacture of crystals. At that time, there were few such specialists - either they left abroad or went into commerce. As a young 24-year-old guy, I had a cool opportunity to create a product for a large institution that was making millions by exporting crystals. Thanks to this collaboration, the institute was ISO certified, and I started freelancing on various platforms. When a family appeared, a daughter was born, it became clear: something needs to be changed. This is how the Muranosoft outstaffing company appeared in my life and then EPAM.My career as a programmer began and my teaching career was suspended for five years.

How to build a teaching career in business

EPAM is growing rapidly, new guys are constantly joining who need to be trained. And now I, already an architect, teach again. Although I would not say that this is a combination of careers: teaching others is part of my job as an engineer . I start new projects and want to be visited by those who understand architecture, can read diagrams, can take responsibility for part of the work, helping me achieve my goals. Since 2016, the company has a Solution Architecture School (SAS)where I teach. The goal of the program is to provide fundamental knowledge in this discipline in 5 months and help children move to a new career level in the company. But the profession of an architect is, frankly, difficult. And 180 hours of training is a lot, so not all of them reach the end. Those who were able began to better build processes and design some parts of the solution, analyze requirements on projects and document the solution. So that I myself can move to a higher level - Senior Architect, Chief Technology Officer, or Lead Architect - I need to prepare a shift, which is what I do.

Since last year, I have also been working on an external educational program Master's degree Program , which was created by EPAM in partnership with one of the most prestigious universities in Ukraine - the Kiev-Mohyla Academy... This master's program is specially prepared for experienced developers who dream of developing a career in IT and it is available to absolutely everyone, regardless of residence and place of work. Together with my colleagues, I developed a Solution Architecture module based on my experience in SAS. But, if at the school of architects more attention was paid to offline meetings, then in MsDP - the emphasis was on the online format and workshops. The new format requires adapting the curriculum - making questionnaires, quizzes, selection tasks, developing homework assignments, etc. Now that half of the training has passed, I confess, the group is excellent. The guys are different - there are developers, managers, directors. There is the head of the IT department of the bank, for whom it is important not to become an architect, but to understand the internal processes of his IT department. It is interesting that a couple of guys came from Belarus,paying for the program and travel by yourself. I was amazed at their determination. Despite the fact that the program is intense - only one module lasts more than 400 hours - the participants are extremely motivated. Perhaps because tuition is paid and the attitude is different. There are no situations when someone has not done their homework. As there are no sessions without questions. Students demand answers, dive into the depth of the topic, they need details. When you give knowledge and someone needs it, the teacher is happy. By the way, the “teaching staff” of the MsDP are highly qualified specialists. "IT-stars" came to Kiev to perform - several service stations, tops of EPAM, as well as invited teachers, includingthat the program is intense - only one module lasts more than 400 hours - the participants are extremely motivated. Perhaps because tuition is paid and the attitude is different. There are no situations when someone has not done their homework. As there are no sessions without questions. Students demand answers, dive into the depth of the topic, they need details. When you give knowledge and someone needs it, the teacher is happy. By the way, the “teaching staff” of the MsDP are highly qualified specialists. "IT-stars" came to Kiev to perform - several service stations, tops of EPAM, as well as invited teachers, includingthat the program is intense - only one module lasts more than 400 hours - the participants are extremely motivated. Perhaps because tuition is paid and the attitude is different. There are no situations when someone has not done their homework. As there are no sessions without questions. Students demand answers, dive into the depth of the topic, they need details. When you give knowledge and someone needs it, the teacher is happy. By the way, the “teaching staff” of the MsDP are highly qualified specialists. "IT-stars" came to Kiev to perform - several service stations, tops of EPAM, as well as invited teachers, includingWhen you give knowledge and someone needs it, the teacher is happy. By the way, the “teaching staff” of the MsDP are highly qualified specialists. "IT-stars" came to Kiev to perform - several service stations, tops of EPAM, as well as invited teachers, includingWhen you give knowledge and someone needs it, the teacher is happy. By the way, the “teaching staff” of MsDP are highly qualified specialists. "IT-stars" came to Kiev to perform - several service stations, tops of EPAM, as well as invited teachers, includingBertrand Meyer , Stanford graduate, creator of the Eiffel programming language. These are people who have achieved a lot, they have vast experience, a broad view of what is happening. These meetings are very popular.

I also participate in the mentoring program... It is useful for specialists who come from the market and do not always have the expertise required for a project. A mentor can help you get started faster. Sometimes experienced professionals come and want to retrain their skills. Together we prepare a personal development plan, goals that the student wants to achieve in a certain time. Usually such cooperation lasts 2-6 months. This is a good experience, but first of all, it is very important to first say why the mentor is and why the mentor is. In general, it is a good habit to always think about why we are doing something. Somehow I worked with 7 guys at the same time, but being a mentor for so many is difficult. Later, my menti dispersed on projects, some perform the functions of an architect, some still work with me, we keep in touch. Until they became architects,but they have an understanding of architectural work.

But still, what is teaching to me? Everything is quite pragmatic - it is an opportunity to capitalize oneself as a specialist and recognition of my expertise. To develop and earn more, I need to do what others do not do, take a more difficult position. To do this, I need to leave behind a stable situation, competent specialists. Also, like any person, the need for self-expression and recognition is important to me. When they listen to me, they ask me, there is a feeling of being in demand. The teachers know what I mean.

But besides, we all sell our competencies on the market... Out of two candidates for a position with almost the same resume, with similar experience and skills, we choose a well-known one - someone who has spoken at conferences, hackathons, and specialized events. Just a good specialist or a candidate who can work and train other developers to the level of middle, senior, architect? The answer is obvious. Likewise, with soft skills: you can hire a developer with weak communication skills, but also a manager. Or one architect who knows how to communicate and is strong in development, which will be beneficial financially for both the company and the architect himself.

Who is a good teacher?

In conclusion, I would like you to think about who a good teacher is. Each of us has been influenced by a teacher at one time. Let us recall the tandem of Alexander the Great and Aristotle. What unites the people we call “good teachers”? And what does it take to be like them?

First, it is an understanding of why you are teaching. I have already told about my motives above.

Second, what do you teach. It's about technical knowledge. I felt this when elliptic curves and algorithms based on them appeared in the cryptography course. Frankly, I didn't fully understand the topic. And the questions from the smart guys were especially "hot". I had to figure it out.

Third, patience is probably the most important thing in teaching.This “virtue” was especially tested in the university, when during the session students tried to manipulate through health and other life circumstances, just to get credit. In addition, patience and acceptance will be needed on other occasions. What is obvious to you takes time for the student to comprehend. Therefore, teaching, you should never slip into the approach of "I will show you how to do it right and do as I do." To prepare thinking people, use another method - "do it, show me and I will show you how to do it better." Yes, this leads to the fact that each engineer has his own style. But it seems to me that this is for the better, because diversity is what makes the IT industry, and the world as a whole, more beautiful.

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