How to convert holidays into profit for the developer and joy for the players

Holidays are always a high season for business. Marketers come up with various activities in order not to miss the moment and get the maximum profit. For mobile game developers, the holidays also open up a wide field for experimentation.

Profit peaks on Black Friday and the Christmas and New Year period: for example, in 2019, gamers around the world spent $ 277 million on mobile games over Christmas , and US residents spent $ 70 million on Black Friday , breaking the previous year's record. In many ways, these incomes are influenced by in-game events and special offers.

But how to keep users in the game during the rest of the year, when there are no such bright and beloved holidays? And how to maintain a balance between the cost of preparing these very events - and profit?

Let's see how to distribute holiday events by calendar year and attract users to special offers. Inside the article, you will also find a calendar of holidays and tips on what to look for when preparing events.

What are events for?

Events are a great opportunity to attract new users with creative content, as well as bring old users back to the game and increase your profits

. Besides, events are good for testing new ideas and hypotheses. During events, you can try out new functionality, test a new type of content and understand whether to keep such activity on a permanent basis or not.

Also, events are associated with an increase in the average user's check. The festive atmosphere encourages users to spend more money and game resources that they have accumulated before the holidays.

For developers, getting ready for serious events can be stressful. Therefore, you need to prepare for the holidays in advance, since the New Year will come anyway, and the events will not prepare themselves.

We advise you to draw up an event plan for six months or a year in order to know what events need to be prepared in advance. Your team must calculate their strength not only for major updates, but also for additional in-game events.

If your players are from different countries around the world, it is important to prepare translations of new content in advance. Since the volume of such texts is usually small, and there can be many languages ​​for translation, it is more convenient to translate them in the professional translation service Nitro .

At the same time, you do not need to search for 10-20 translators for each language, but just tick the required languages. Nitro works with single-word translations, and you get finished translations within 24 hours, and sometimes in just a couple of hours. Ideal for translating small updates!

What holidays to choose and how to do it?

Obviously, the holidays are not limited to Christmas and Black Friday, and besides, these holidays are the most popular among American and European users, and there are still promising audiences in Latin America and Asia.

The simplest thing you can do is to time your in-game events for the popular holidays that are celebrated almost everywhere: Halloween, Black Friday, Christmas / New Year and Chinese New Year.

Halloween attracts mobile game developers with its understandable symbols: pumpkins, vampires, horror stories. All of this can be organically implemented in October in almost any product.

However, consider the relevance of the event in the context of your application: in a vanilla romance game, Halloween in its classical sense is unlikely to be appropriate. But you can beat this theme in the light version: cute pumpkins, cute bats, funny monsters.

It would be most logical to select holidays taking into account the geography of users. So, in most Asian countries (except Japan), the Lunar New Year is the main holiday of the year. Easter events are popular with European and American users, but would be out of place in the eyes of an Arab audience.

Pay special attention to emerging markets, which are currently growing at a tremendous pace, and experiment with events designed specifically for them. These markets include Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

Users from Arab countries are known for high ARPPU (Average Revenue Per Paying User). During the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, which lasts for a month, Arab users leave substantial amounts of money in games - just like English-speaking players on Christmas.

Here is a small calendar of holidays that will suggest ideas for new content in the game:

Winter Holidays

December 25 - Christmas (Catholic World)

December 31 / January 1 - New Years (almost all countries except Asia)

January-February - Lunar New Year / Spring Festival (China and Southeast Asia, but Japan celebrates New Year on January 1)

February 14 - Valentine's Day (almost all countries except Asia)

February-March - Chinese Lantern Festival

February-March - Brazilian Carnival

Spring Holidays

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day (Ireland and English speaking countries)

March-April - Hanami, cherry blossom festival (Japan)

April-May - Ramadan (Arab countries)

April - Easter (USA, Russia, Europe )

April 29 - May 5 - Golden Week in Japan, long weekends like May holidays in Russia

May-June - Dragon Boat Festival (China)

Summer holidays

20th June - Midsummer, midsummer festival (Sweden and Finland)

Early July - weekly Festival of Lights (Cuba)

July 7 / August 7 - bright and romantic Tanabata holiday (Japan)

July 20 - Friend's Day (Latin America)

Autumn holidays

September - Mid-Autumn Day (Asia)

September-October - Oktoberfest (Europe)

October 1 - PRC Day (China)

October 27 - Diwali Festival of Lights (India, Malaysia)

October 31 - Halloween (USA)

November 11 - Bachelor's Day, the biggest time sales (China)

End of November - Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales time (USA)

As you may have noticed, many holidays have floating dates, and they can last for more than one day. So, Black Friday is usually not limited to one day: sales can begin as early as Thanksgiving (Thursday), and end on Monday, which has already been called Cyber ​​Monday - a special day for online sales. Holidays like Halloween and Christmas can be celebrated in games for several weeks.

Japan has Girls 'Day (March 3) and Boys' Day (May 5), as well as Russia - March 8 and February 23. But beware of similar holidays in Western countries, where some radical users may take a "boy's holiday" negatively.

Many holidays have their own specific symbols and can be used in holiday skins: colorful lanterns (Ramadan), cherry blossoms, Easter bunnies and chocolate eggs (in Western culture), etc. Also, holidays can serve as an informational trigger for sales.

Be careful with the translation of the texts when introducing new characters for the holiday events. So the Narcade teamdecided on the day of St. Valentina "give" the hero of the game-cat a girlfriend. The feline couple in love were named Tia and Mia. It is not clear by the names which one of them is a cat and who is a cat, but this is important when translating into languages ​​such as Italian, Spanish, Russian ... It's good that the guys from Narcade did not forget to leave a comment for the translator on their order in Nitro, that Tia is a cat, and Mia is a cat.

How can you celebrate holidays inside the game?

Holidays can be celebrated in different ways: from decorating an icon (usually means that something new has appeared in the game) and themed skins to holiday quests, new levels and items in the game.

World of Warcraft hosts the annual Hallow's End . Hallow's End is the in-game version of Halloween and is celebrated from October 18th to November 1st. At this time, new characters, pumpkin sweets, costumes and so on appear in the game.

It is worth noting the delicate moment of the festive events. The goal of mobile game developers is to entertain players with interesting, fresh content, while still gaining more from it than spending on development. As a rule, companies usually plan a maximum of 2-3 large events per year, since they take a long time to prepare and are expensive.

However, players expect new entertainment at least once a month. Therefore, you can use minor holidays or even come up with your own. For example, it could be the birthday of the game, Solstice Day, International Pirate Day, etc.

Small parties like this can be added to the game using Live-Ops. Live ops are changes in a project that you make without a separate release of a new version or update. It turns out that the new functionality was laid earlier and simply became available to players at a certain point in time by timer. Plus, you don't need to wait for the store's approval and worry that your event will not have time to appear in the game by a specific date.

Examples of events from games

  • Dota 2 and Overwatch have New Year's modes designed specifically for the winter season: Coldness and Yeti Hunt.
  • World of Warcraft « ». .
  • World of Warcraft , — .
  • World of Tanks « », . .
  • Mad GunZ , .
  • Magic Jigsaw Puzzles « ». — , .


Making an event is half the battle. Once created, it's important to engage users to make in-app purchases and participate in your activity.

Here are a couple of ideas on how to do this:

1) Push notifications. Send existing players a push to let them know about the upcoming event. Add in fluffy Emoji: Pixonic company in the course of experiments found that pushes with Emoji efficiently.

Here are some examples of push notifications that can give you creative ideas for your app:

SUMMER SALE Summer is the best time of year! Don't miss the best summer offer: everything is 50% off!

The hottest offer these warm summer days: get twice as much stuff for the same price!

HARVEST FESTIVAL The end of summer is the most abundant season. It's time to harvest - everything is 50% off!

HALLOWEEN brings scary good prices: everything is 50% off! Price Crash!

BLACK FRIDAY Don't miss a very good deal: you get twice as much stuff for the same price!

2) Social networks. Share your special offer / event on social media, run contests timed to coincide with the festive event to attract an even larger audience.

3) What's New text. Do not forget to colorfully describe the new features in the What's New text. This will bring old users back into the game and attract new ones.

Duck Rockets Promote New Bon Voyage Content On Social Media

Instead of conclusions

Events in games today are an absolute must-have in order to generate additional profit and keep users' interest for as long as possible. Mini-events or specials are another way to remind players of yourself and keep players interested.

Holidays-rich autumn and winter are just around the corner, so start thinking about events right now. And so that you can quickly and conveniently translate texts for events and special offers, we are giving you a $ 20 bonus coupon in the professional translation service Nitro . Create an account using this link and you will have $ 20 in your account. Don't put it off: on 09/30/2020, the coupon will turn into a pumpkin.

About the author This

article was written in Alconost .

Nitro- professional online translation service into 35 languages. Created by Alconost. Native speaker translators, order from 1 word, online chat with support.

50% of orders are ready within 2 hours, 96% - in less than 24 hours.

PS: Nitro is good for translating small texts. If you need localization or translation of a more serious project, welcome to Alconost .

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