Where is Russian electronics hiding

Every time I write about Russian electronics, a lot of people appear in the comments who are absolutely sure that Russian electronics does not exist, and all that domestic companies can do is to stick โ€œMade in Russiaโ€ stickers on Chinese devices.

In fact, despite the fact that in Russia there is really almost no element base, a huge number of companies and even individuals are engaged in the production of electronics. Any device designed in our country can be called Russian, even if it is made in China from Chinese components. Yandex.Station is a good example. Without a doubt, this is a Russian product.

In Russia, security and fire alarms, leakage protection systems, automation and telemetry systems, smart home components, LED lamps and much more are manufactured.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for an ordinary person to find information about Russian consumer electronics. Although all manufacturers have websites, in the search everything is clogged with ads and products that "everyone has heard." Small producers cannot afford to spend money on advertising.

For example, today I learned that in Togliatti there is a Shtat company that produces car and home alarms, which produces probably the world's cheapest autonomous GSM alarm system KRIKANA-PMT, the price of which is only 1,350 rubles. Have you heard anything about the State and the Crican? Iโ€™m sure not. And what about the Kaliningrad signaling system Navigard, which I am reviewing now? I think not either.

I had an idea to create a website where I would gradually collect information about Russian electronics for household use (I don't even want to aim at industrial electronics - there is a lot of it and I definitely won't master it). Make sections on the site (Alarms, Protection against leaks, Smart home, etc.). For each manufacturer, give brief information, a photo, a price and a link to the site.

I think you can also add products created by private craftsmen there - anything from the field of electronics, which is not illegal, is sold and can be useful for private use, it will be quite possible to post on this site, even if it is soldered by one person at home houses.

Of course, I am not going to take any money from manufacturers for posting information on this site (except maybe then think about a referral program if the site becomes visited).

Such a site can be made in a couple of hours on Wordpress, the most difficult thing in it is the filling. And here I cannot do without help. If you, like me, are ready to promote domestic electronics for free (Belarusian and Ukrainian, I think, you can also add) and you have a little time - write to me. The task is to search the Internet for new devices and create product cards with a short description, price and picture.

Well, are there other enthusiasts besides me in our Fatherland?

upd .: Purchased domain elerus.ru, Wordpress is installed, I'll try to set everything up by the end of the week. There are already three of us enthusiasts.

ยฉ 2020, Alexey Nadezhin

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