A world without DevOps. What would it be?

Let's remember the classics.

Developers have a hard time rolling out features once a year. But the admins are happy and happy - they no longer need to leave work, they now work around the clock, and their management affectionately calls them "nannies for developers." Technology is starting to roll back. Debugging requires hundreds of transmissions from department to department - all with great enthusiasm throwing dead pigs over the fence to each other. Even the pig smiles. Long wait for the server for the project - I requested the server, received it posthumously, for services to the company. Bugs in production are hoping to see the XXII century with full confidence. SLA 50% and white-haired business owners. The service has fallen - not a problem, we will wait an hour or two until it rises. Versatile engineers on the brink of psychosis - on the table each has two half-empty jars of benzodiazepine tranquilizers and a pack of SSRI antidepressants.

? , DevOps- DevOps-, .

19-21 - DevOps: Tools&Cheats. IDDQD DevOps.

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DevOps: Tools&Cheats:

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  • — DevOps- ;
  • DevOps, .


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  • 80% . ? , Macbook Pro?
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DevOps-, :

  • Git;
  • ;
  • ;
  • , Infrastructure as Code;
  • CI;
  • .

DevOps 19 21 2020. 10:00 19:00, .

DevOps + IDDQD + IDKFA . - .

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