Urban Bot or how to write chat bots for Telegram, Slack, Facebook ... on React.js


In this article, I want to introduce a new Urban Bot library that adapts React for writing chat bots. Below I will tell you why this library was born, what advantages it provides, and how to write your first chatbot.

A chatbot is most often a separate chat in a messenger, in which you communicate not with a person, but with a program. It can send messages in the form of text, images, buttons and many other UI elements and respond to messages from users. Modern chat bots are full-fledged UI applications inside instant messengers.

- , http bot.on('message', callback), , Urban Bot - — . , Urban Bot, Telegram, c -, GitHub.

, - UI . 2020 UI ? , JavaScript React. - API . , -, , , , .

Urban Bot. Text , . , - "Hello, world!".

import React from 'react';
import { Text } from '@urban-bot/core';

function App() {
    return (
           Hello, world!


import React from 'react';
import { Image } from '@urban-bot/core';

function App() {
    const imageByURL =  'https://some-link.com/image.jpg';

    return <Image file={imageByURL} />;

Urban Bot , , File, ButtonGroup , . , , 1 <Text simulateTyping={1000}>.

, . Urban Bot React Hooks.

, useText.

import React from 'react';
import { Text, useText } from '@urban-bot/core';

function App() {
    useText(({ text }) => {
        console.log(`   ${text}`);

    return (
            Hello, world!

Urban Bot . , useImage, , useFile .. . , ..

, , . , .

React useState. , . React.useState , , , . text "" Text. useText, text setText. setText React Echo , .

import React from 'react';
import { Text, useText } from '@urban-bot/core';

function Echo() {
    const [text, setText] = React.useState('!');

    useText(({ text }) => {

    return (

, . ButtonGroup Button. , count +1 -1 ButtonGroup title. isNewMessageEveryRender false, , .

import React from 'react';
import { ButtonGroup, Button } from '@urban-bot/core';

function Counter() {
    const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

    const increment = () => setCount(count + 1);
    const decrement = () => setCount(count - 1);

    return (
        <ButtonGroup title={count} isNewMessageEveryRender={false}>
            <Button onClick={increment}>+1</Button>
            <Button onClick={decrement}>-1</Button>

. , -, . Router . — .

, "/echo" — Echo, "/counter" — Counter. path regexp.

import React from 'react';
import { Router, Route } from '@urban-bot/core';
import { Echo } from './Echo';
import { Counter } from './Counter';

function App() {
    return (
            <Route path="/echo">
                <Echo />
            <Route path="/counter">
                <Counter />

, .


, , , , , , - SPA .

Urban Bot HTML . <b>, <i>, <s>, <br /> , .

const someCode = `
function sum2() {
    return 2 + 2;

if (sum2() !== 4) {

    Usual text
    <br />
    <b>Bold text</b>
    <br />
    <i>Italic text</i>
    <br />
    <u>Underscore text</u>
    <br />
    <s>Strikethrough text</s>
    <br />
    <br />
        Bold and <s>Strikethrough text</s>
    <br />
    <code >Code 2 + 2</code >
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="https://github.com/urban-bot/urban-bot">External link</a>

- , - , . Urban Bot Dialog, .

. , , , callback onFinish . callback onNext.

import React from 'react';
import { Dialog, DialogStep, Text } from '@urban-bot/core';

function FlatDialogExample() {
    return (
        <Dialog onFinish={(answers) => console.log(answers)}>
                content={<Text>,   ?</Text>} 
                onNext={(name) => console.log(name)}
                    content={<Text>C  ?</Text>}
                        content={<Text>   ?</Text>}

render-props .

function FlatDialogExample() {
    return (
            <DialogStep content={<Text>,   ?</Text>}>
                {(name) => (
                        content={<Text>{`${name}, c  ?`}</Text>}


function FlatDialogExample() {
    return (
        <Dialog onFinish={(answers) => console.log(answers)}>
                content={<Text>,   ?</Text>}
                    isValid: (answer) => answer !== '', 
                    errorText: ' .' 
                // ...

, . .

import React from 'react';
import { Dialog, DialogStep, Text, ButtonGroup, Button } from '@urban-bot/core';

function TreeDialogExample() {
    return (
                    <ButtonGroup title=",    ?">
                        <Button id="hat"></Button>
                        <Button id="glasses"></Button>
                        <ButtonGroup title="  ?">
                            <Button id="m">S</Button>
                            <Button id="s">M</Button>
                            <Button id="l">L</Button>
                        <ButtonGroup title="  ?">
                            <Button id="black"></Button>
                            <Button id="white"></Button>

? React . React useState React Context. : Redux (), MobX (), Apollo , React, React Web React Native , Urban Bot React, .

Urban Bot , , , React , . Urban Bot , , React , .

Urban Bot . , , -, .

function Counter() {
    const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

    const increment = () => setCount(count + 1);
    const decrement = () => setCount(count - 1);

    return (
        <ButtonGroup title={count} isNewMessageEveryRender={false}>
            <Button onClick={increment}>+1</Button>
            <Button onClick={decrement}>-1</Button>

, , .

function Counter() {
    const [count, setCount] = useGlobalCount();

   // ...

, , , .. - , chat from .

import React from 'react';
import { Text, useText, useBotContext } from '@urban-bot/core';

function UserId() {
    const { chat } = useBotContext();

    useText(({ from }) => console.log(`   ${from.username}`));

   return <Text> id {chat.id}</Text>;

Urban Bot TypeScript, , TypeScript, .

Urban Bot, . @urban-bot/core, -, . Telegram, Slack, Facebook. , , - API. , Urban Bot , Viber, Discord https://t.me/urbanbotjs, , .

. , . , .

, App Telegram. UrbanBotTelegram @urban-bot/telegram. render @urban-bot/core ReactDOM.render Root. UrbanBotTelegram Telegram, isPolling, , . Root, , , render, .

Telegram .

import React from 'react';
import { render, Root } from '@urban-bot/core';
import { UrbanBotTelegram } from '@urban-bot/telegram';
import { App } from './App';

const urbanBotTelegram = new UrbanBotTelegram({
    token: 'telegramToken',
    isPolling: true,

    <Root bot={urbanBotTelegram}>
        <App />

, , Telegram.

// ...
import { UrbanBotSlack } from '@urban-bot/slack';

// ...

    <Root bot={urbanBotTelegram}>
        <App />

const urbanBotSlack = new UrbanBotSlack({
    signingSecret: 'slackSigningSecret',
    token: 'slackToken',

    <Root bot={urbanBotSlack}>
        <App />


Urban Bot - . API? UrbanBot* API . Telegram.

bot useBotContext. bot client type c . client node-telegram-bot-api . client , , .

import React from 'react';
import { useText, useBotContext } from '@urban-bot/core';

function SomeComponent() {
    const { bot } = useBotContext();

    useText(({ text, chat, from }) => {
        if (text.includes('***')) {
            bot.client.kickChatMember(chat.id, from.id);

    // ...

API. , bot.type.

import { useBotContext } from '@urban-bot/core';
import { UrbanBotTelegram } from '@urban-bot/telegram';
import { UrbanBotSlack } from '@urban-bot/slack';

function SomeComponent() {
    const { bot } = useBotContext();

    if (bot.type === UrbanBotTelegram.type) {
        // telegram api
        bot.client.kickChatMember(/* ... */);

    if (bot.type === UrbanBotSlack.type) {
        // slack api
        bot.client.conversations.kick(/* ... */);

    // ...


Urban Bot , - , create-rect-app. , Urban Bot —


npx create-urban-bot my-app


npx create-urban-bot my-app --template js

, , .env , . .

Urban Bot , — . , React, - , ui-kit, UI React, web mobile.

-, Urban Bot, . , React, - 5 . , , Telegram, , .



- Telegram, .

Todo List - Telegram React.js

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