Opened recruitment to the School of Developers with the prospect of internship at Mindbox

The Developer School is the first step to an internship at Mindbox. The program is designed for 3-4 year students and graduates of technical universities with basic programming skills.

The first set of the School starts on September 6, the course is divided into 8 lessons, 4-5 hours each.

To sign up, leave your contact information - we will send a test task for two hours. But first, make sure that training at the Mindbox Developer School is what you need. All details are under the cut.

How the idea of ​​the Mindbox Developer School came about

We have been recruiting trainees for a year and a half. The goal of the program is to join the ranks of junior developers. During this time, 22 people have worked with us: six of them are studying right now, six more got a job in our state.

To make it easier for young developers to cope with tasks during an internship (and they are beyond the power of many beginners), we decided to launch a free School designed to help future colleagues with the start of their careers. Vitaly Margelov, the developer and author of the training course, will tell you how to go from School through internship to employment. Our CEO Alexander Gornik will share his vision and advice.

About Mindbox Developer School

What and how we teach at the School

The training is focused on practicing modern approaches to .NET development, includes the practice of object-oriented and functional programming in C # and Typescript, the use of developer tools, active study and application of teamwork practices accepted in the industry (agile, scrum, code review, gitflow, continuous integration, continuous delivery). The main skill after completing the course is the ability to write full-fledged web applications with a frontend, complex business logic and work with a database.

Lesson plan

  1. Basic knowledge of the developer: goals, tools, basic concepts.
  2. What is Object Oriented Programming and why it matters.
  3. The architecture of large applications.
  4. Practical aspects of the daily work of a programmer.
  5. Development processes and its place in the company.
  6. The basics of implementing your own API.
  7. Databases and working with them from C # code.
  8. What a backend developer needs to know about the frontend.

Timetable of classes

The first enrollment of the School starts on September 6, this Sunday. A course of 8 lessons of 4–5 hours each (with breaks, of course) lasts two months; you will need to come to our office once a week on Sundays. Get ready for some intense work: there will be a lot of homework during the week, about 15 hours.

About the teacher (that is, about me)

I teach at the School, Vitaly Margelov. Total experience in commercial development is about six years. Prior to Mindbox, he developed high-load applications for three years at Kaspersky Lab, six months at CloudPayments, and spent six months working on his web studio. He has been with Mindbox for two years as a developer, scrum master and intern mentor.

In my third year of study at my native NUST MISIS, I created a student organization, where he taught software engineering for four years and led IT projects with students. We were driven by the desire to learn the craft of development, but the university did not give this knowledge. Several months of work in this organization were enough for students to learn the basics, start developing commercial projects with us or find their first job (and everyone eventually found it). At Mindbox, I try to create a similar environment in which students feel engaged and their work is valuable. In my opinion, this is the most important thing that a university or independent study cannot provide.

How to get to School

To get into training, you need to be a 3-4 year undergraduate student or a graduate of a technical university and have basic programming skills: be able to declare variables, arrays and functions, write loops and conditional statements, understand logical constructs. Leave your contact information

to write - we will send a small test task. We expect to complete it in about two hours.

Mindbox CEO Alexander Gornik comments
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About internship at Mindbox

We will select six of the best students of the School - from them we will form an internship team that will develop our product. We cannot guarantee employment, but each intern has a chance to get into the state. If there are more than six good candidates, we will consider the option of forming a second team or stay in touch with them and invite them for an internship as places become available.

An internship at Mindbox lasts three to six months. The duration depends on the overall impression of the trainee - it consists of how he copes with tasks, progresses, works with feedback, whether he is able to do the job without over-care.

The internship is paid: 25 thousand rubles for remote work 20 hours a week and visiting the office once a week. If necessary, we will close the production practice.

The development of an intern product does not differ from the main one: as part of a cross-functional team, interns work in sprints, implement new features on the backend and frontend, fix bugs, carry out refactorings and optimizations. The product has real users within the company who provide feedback and are acutely responsive to problems, so we teach you to focus on business from the first day of work. We trust more experienced interns to independently make architectural decisions in a project and take responsibility for the success of an entire sprint.

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About employment at Mindbox

If we are happy with the intern, and there are places in the development teams, we will invite the candidate for a team interview and, if successful, on the staff for 30-40 hours a week. All six interns who have joined the staff work as developers, but we are ready to interview for junior product owner or SRE positions - if the intern has the appropriate inclinations and the request from the company.

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