Ruby Digest 2020 07 1

Ruby Digest 2020 from 1 to 15 July: releases, articles, multimedia, training. Let's look at

what happened in the first half of July around the Ruby language.



New items

AnyCable 1.0.0 is a multilingual replacement for Ruby WebSocket gems that allows you to use WebSocket servers written in other programming languages ​​with the Action Cable protocol. Together with it, the gem for Ruby on Rails is AnyCable Rails 1.0.0 .

aws-sdk-ivs 1.0.0 is the official AWS gem for the Amazon IVS interactive video service . Aws-sdk-ivs is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby .

New versions

React on Rails 12.0.0 is a gem for advanced integration between Ruby on Rails and React .

Onebox 2.0.0 is a gem for converting URLs into a simple HTML preview of a resource.

Capistrano :: Bundler 2.0.0 is a gem for remote launching of Bundler commands via Capistrano .

Restforce 5.0.0 is a gem for using the Salesforce API and interacting with Salesforce .

Prawn :: Emoji 4.0.0 - gem for adding emoji to pdf documents created with Prawn image


Grape 1.4.0 is a framework that provides DSLs for developing RESTful APIs and related features.

Grape-swagger 1.2.0 - auto -generation of documentation for your Grape API.

Sidekiq 6.1.0 - background handlers for Ruby.

Zeitwerk 2.4.0 - gem for automatic loading of constants (classes, modules, used in Ruby on Rails ).

Capistrano :: Rails 1.6.0 is a gem for running Rails commands remotely via Capistrano .

Dynamoid 3.6.0 - Ruby ORM for Amazon DynamoDB .

Blacklight 7.10.0Is an open research platform with a user interface that allows you to apply Solr- based searches to your collections .

GeoBlacklight 2.4.0 is a redesigned Blacklight geospatial data binding research platform using Solr .

Traject 3.4.0 is a MARC or XML indexing gem for Solr based research solutions (like Blacklight or VuFind ).

Shopify API 9.2.0 is a client for administering shops on Shopify .

RSpotify 2.9.0 is a wrapper for the Spotify Web API .

Ruby_aem 3.8.0 is a client for the Adobe Experience Manager API .

Booker Ruby Client 3.4.0 is a client for the Booker API online booking service .


99 Bottles of OOP, Ruby Version - new book "99 Bottles of OOP, Ruby Version".

AnyCable 1.0: Four years of real-time web with Ruby and Go - AnyCable 1.0: Four years of real-time web with Ruby and Go.

Why is Ruby still our choice in 2020? - why is Ruby still our choice in 2020?

Apollo launch: Building a migration architecture for 2U - Apollo launch: Building a migration architecture for 2U .

Ruby's Safe Navigation Operator `& .` and is it a Code Smell? Is the safe navigation operator ` &.` in Ruby, and does it smell like code like this?

View and listen

Exploring HEY's Gemfile - Exploring the stack of Basecamp 's new HEY mail service ( DHH's Hey's Gemfile ).

image FullCalendar with StimulusJS - scheduling calendar with StimulusJS .

image Soft Delete with Discard - soft deletion from Discard .

Should Ruby Still Be a Thing in 2020 - Is Ruby Needed in 2020?

Job Searching and Hiring Advice During the Pandemic with Brian Mariani - Job search and hiring advice during the pandemic with Brian Mariani.

Rails :: Engine with Vladimir Dementyev - Rails :: Engine with Vladimir Dementyev.

To study

Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020 - updated course "Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ Gems and Build Your MVP Startup 2020".

System of a test: Proper browser testing in Ruby on Rails - test system: Proper browser testing in Ruby on Rails.

Something out of Nothing: Null Object Pattern - something out of nothing: the Null Object pattern.

GraphQL + SQL Magic for faster downloads on Shopify - GraphQL + SQL Magic for faster downloads on Shopify.

Changing Ruby classes at runtime with class_eval - Changing Ruby classes at runtime using class_eval.

OAuth & Heroku Play Nice - Forging OAuth and Heroku Play.

Is module_function really the same as extend self? - is it really the module_functionsame as extend self?

All Articles