what happened in the first half of July around the Ruby language.
New items
AnyCable 1.0.0 is a multilingual replacement for Ruby WebSocket gems that allows you to use WebSocket servers written in other programming languages ββwith the Action Cable protocol. Together with it, the gem for Ruby on Rails is AnyCable Rails 1.0.0 .
aws-sdk-ivs 1.0.0 is the official AWS gem for the Amazon IVS interactive video service . Aws-sdk-ivs is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby .
New versions
React on Rails 12.0.0 is a gem for advanced integration between Ruby on Rails and React .
Onebox 2.0.0 is a gem for converting URLs into a simple HTML preview of a resource.
Capistrano :: Bundler 2.0.0 is a gem for remote launching of Bundler commands via Capistrano .
Restforce 5.0.0 is a gem for using the Salesforce API and interacting with Salesforce .
Prawn :: Emoji 4.0.0 - gem for adding emoji to pdf documents created with Prawn
Grape 1.4.0 is a framework that provides DSLs for developing RESTful APIs and related features.
Grape-swagger 1.2.0 - auto -generation of documentation for your Grape API.
Sidekiq 6.1.0 - background handlers for Ruby.
Zeitwerk 2.4.0 - gem for automatic loading of constants (classes, modules, used in Ruby on Rails ).
Capistrano :: Rails 1.6.0 is a gem for running Rails commands remotely via Capistrano .
Dynamoid 3.6.0 - Ruby ORM for Amazon DynamoDB .
Blacklight 7.10.0Is an open research platform with a user interface that allows you to apply Solr- based searches to your collections .
GeoBlacklight 2.4.0 is a redesigned Blacklight geospatial data binding research platform using Solr .
Traject 3.4.0 is a MARC or XML indexing gem for Solr based research solutions (like Blacklight or VuFind ).
Shopify API 9.2.0 is a client for administering shops on Shopify .
RSpotify 2.9.0 is a wrapper for the Spotify Web API .
Ruby_aem 3.8.0 is a client for the Adobe Experience Manager API .
Booker Ruby Client 3.4.0 is a client for the Booker API online booking service .
99 Bottles of OOP, Ruby Version - new book "99 Bottles of OOP, Ruby Version".
AnyCable 1.0: Four years of real-time web with Ruby and Go - AnyCable 1.0: Four years of real-time web with Ruby and Go.
Why is Ruby still our choice in 2020? - why is Ruby still our choice in 2020?
Apollo launch: Building a migration architecture for 2U - Apollo launch: Building a migration architecture for 2U .
Ruby's Safe Navigation Operator `& .` and is it a Code Smell? Is the safe navigation operator `
` in Ruby, and does it smell like code like this?
View and listen
Exploring HEY's Gemfile - Exploring the stack of Basecamp 's new HEY mail service ( DHH's Hey's Gemfile ).
FullCalendar with StimulusJS - scheduling calendar with StimulusJS .
Soft Delete with Discard - soft deletion from Discard .
Should Ruby Still Be a Thing in 2020 - Is Ruby Needed in 2020?
Job Searching and Hiring Advice During the Pandemic with Brian Mariani - Job search and hiring advice during the pandemic with Brian Mariani.
Rails :: Engine with Vladimir Dementyev - Rails :: Engine with Vladimir Dementyev.
To study
Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020 - updated course "Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ Gems and Build Your MVP Startup 2020".
System of a test: Proper browser testing in Ruby on Rails - test system: Proper browser testing in Ruby on Rails.
Something out of Nothing: Null Object Pattern - something out of nothing: the Null Object pattern.
GraphQL + SQL Magic for faster downloads on Shopify - GraphQL + SQL Magic for faster downloads on Shopify.
Changing Ruby classes at runtime with class_eval - Changing Ruby classes at runtime using
OAuth & Heroku Play Nice - Forging OAuth and Heroku Play.
Is module_function really the same as extend self? - is it really the
same as extend self