Quantum of the Universe

- We have piled up a vegetable garden! The digital system was built using a digital system. An analog system was formed on it, and with the help of the analog system we are trying to calculate the primary digital one, ”said Professor Petrenko.

- You, as always, speak in a wise way, - Professor Kolosov answered.

- It's not analog!

- Who is she?

- Universe !!!

- Well, of course! Colors, sounds, and other phenomena - these are all waves that are perfectly described by a combination of sines or cosines. Ana-lo-go-th functions-chi-i!

- Ha! Sinus! Sine is an invention of mathematicians, which is just as easily expressed through another invention of mathematicians called the Taylor series, which, in fact, is already a discrete function.

- Well, you also say! Taylor's series ... You are absolutely right here - this is an invention of mathematicians. You will also remind that trigonometry is described by Bradis tables, and attribute this to discreteness. I am begging you! Where is the connection to Real World?

- Where. Wez - de! The so-called "wavelength" is directly related to the frequency or size of atoms ... the energy of their electrons. The red color or sound 440 hertz is the number of impulses per unit of time that hit our visual or sound analyzer. And our brain interprets them as colors and sounds.

- That's right. Why do you think the Universe is digital? After all, there are various particles, as you have already noticed, their energy, mass, charge and other characteristics, which are expressed in fractional numbers.

- I want to remind you, dear colleague, that back in the 70s of the twentieth century we came to the understanding that particles are not particles at all. It's a Model! We traditionally call them so and have already found dozens of new ones, but all these "particles" are a particular manifestation of the physical vacuum or Field. Nothing rotates and moves there.

- Let's say. And where is the "bit" here?

- An electron can be in different energy states and, as a consequence, in different orbitals, emit a "wave" of a certain length or absorb. An electron can move in orbitals, but no one has ever recorded an intermediate position between the orbitals. He's either there or there.

- Well, I remember that! This applies not only to electrons and other particles. They just synthesize and annihilate at some point.

- Not just at a certain moment, but constantly. We cannot register this, since both we and our devices are composed of this substance. But the most interesting thing is that we can make such guesses!

- Okay. Guesses, guesses ... But where is Bit here?

- Bit is exactly the process of synthesis-annihilation, or 1 and 0.

- Wow! Why is it so difficult! In computers, the bit is a very simple thing.

- I would not say. In order to implement a bit, at least one transistor and conductors to it are formed in the computer. Not to mention the handling of that bit and byte. Even the transistor itself is the result of millions of man-hours of scientists and engineers. To realize this abstraction, I had to learn how to shield myself from the Environment ... from quantum effects.

- Why "shield"? It turns out by itself. When we move from the quantum level to the level of matter, self-organization occurs. And when a system of two particles appears and more quantum effects disappear.

- Yes. Happens. But not always the self-organization that we need. We get a bug from the point of view of the algorithm that we need. And you can't completely shield yourself from quantum effects. Electronics, having come to "nano", rested on the limit of matter. But that's good!

- What good is there? We cannot make more elements, increase memory size and speed of calculations.

- We came to the creation of a quantum computer. It can still execute primitive combinatorial algorithms, but orders of magnitude faster than modern computers. It just uses quantum entanglement and self-organization. We are no longer shielding ourselves from the Environment, but trying to use it.

- That is - from what you ran to that and returned?

- Yes. We also came to a very interesting understanding of "living matter". The most interesting thing is that our ancestors knew about it. “Playing” with cars, we somehow forgot about it.

- You just intrigued me! What are we talking about?

- All living matter, biology exhibits quantum effects very purposefully. We read in fairy tales that the heroes talked with animals, trees, fields and lakes. But this is approximately how it is. All living matter communicates through the "subspace". Through quantum entanglement and other quantum effects.

- Are you seriously?

- Yes. And the most amazing thing is the brain! Especially the human brain.

- I agree. The brain never ceases to amaze. Are you saying that he uses quantum effects too?

- Uses. And how! The brain at the material level builds chains and "throws" them, like a quantum computer, into the "subspace".

- As far as I know, quantum computers are cooled to absolute zero and a vacuum is created there to limit the influence of the Environment ... to leave it only in a small area. There are no screens here. Awesome!

- And this is a plus and a minus.

- Why?

- Because full interaction with the Environment gives pressure and noise. Basically, there is a fairly reflex activity.

- Wow, reflexive! We build houses a kilometer high, we fly to Jupiter.

- Yeah. Houses. And could stellar systems ... with one power of thought!

- Hmm. Why can't we?

- Focus. Ability to concentrate. It looks like it gives good shielding from the Environment and, at the same time, the ability to influence the Environment. Obviously, this mechanism is insufficiently studied and developed.

- That's for sure! Take some artists and musicians. They are "doing" something there, rushing about, and why all this is not clear. No concentration. Whether it is the case - scientists and engineers.

- This is chauvinism! I did not expect this from you! Musicians, artists, poets and philosophers, as well as physicists, mathematicians, biologists ... these are all scientists and engineers from various fields. Their joint centuries-old work led to the creation of informatics, with the help of which we have strengthened all of the above areas many times over.

- Musicians have developed computer science - that's nonsense! They can only drink, drink and tear their throats.

- If you look at things like that, then yes. Or you can look differently ...

Artists were the first to highlight the "visual alphabet": different colors, mixing them, sticks, squiggles, brush strokes and a combination of all this. This eventually gave an understanding of the color spectrum and led to the creation of convolutional neural networks.

The musicians have identified the "sound alphabet". We now have a whole theory of signal processing.

Poets and writers were, in fact, the first programmers. They grouped words into blocks, algorithms.

Philosophers have always been very good at generating ideas, concepts.

- Ahh! Patterns. Do you mean that?

- Yes. Enriching our thinking with new images and concepts that lead to "stagnation of thought" to the formation of new ideas. Why do psychologists advise you to travel, listen to different music, go to museums and theaters, communicate with different people. Our entire culture is about saturating the brain with patterns, expanding the possibilities of cognition.

- Hmm. Somehow I didn’t think from that angle. Why then do we need cars, computers ... AI?

- Apparently, this is another attempt to look at yourself from the outside. From a new perspective. Perhaps it is routine tiredness. To take the next "frontiers", we need to stop "turning the wheels by hand." The steam engine was once a strange innovation, but now we cannot imagine ourselves without a smartphone.

- New opportunities?

- Yes. Sure.

- Well ... It's understandable. And if we return to the Digital Universe. Why do we see sinusoids on our devices?

- Not a sinusoid, but an approximated sinusoid - the function we want to see. Due to the inertia of the Medium, the bursts of pulses are converted into a signal level. Remember how PWM turns into motor speed?

- Something like a dialectical transition from quantity to quality?

- Exactly! This is where philosophers anticipated physicists and mathematicians.

- And if you take a wave in the ocean? Where is the discreteness here?

- A wave is a large accumulation of molecules - it is expressed quantitatively, and mathematics likes to express it all in the form of rational numbers (the mass of water in fractions of a kilogram or liter). We just see the whole picture, because our visual analyzers do not have the ability to see molecules. The resolution is not the same. And it is not necessary. Our brain will not be able to process all this.

- Computability?

- Yes. A huge amount of information. That is why we are uniting to solve major problems. We are all different and see our piece of the World. Each "on his own wave."

- Wave? You are saying that there are no waves.

- In a mathematical sense, yes. In fact, matter is constant energy impulses of various frequencies. And depending on the frequency, we see with different senses: light with our eyes, sound with our ears, and even feel vibration. But there are lower or higher frequencies. In principle, we can also feel them. Here are the questions of the correct setting.

- Do you mean sample rate and frames?

- Yes. And if there is an out of sync, it will be like in the old TV: the frame scan is broken, and the frames are floating. Another example is mpeg: random dice on the screen until the keyframe is loaded. If we transfer it to life, then we do not understand what is happening or we consider the information to be complete nonsense.

- In other words, we are a radar antenna, where microwave radiation is received and then processed by high-speed electronics?

- Right! By the way, it is digital data processing that is used there. We use machines to speed up the computation, but they work with the generated algorithm of actions. And when this algorithm exists, the speed of computation is incommensurate with the capabilities of the average person. Very high focus on the task plus knowledge about it.

- Machines ... But what about our brain? Why does he manage to "calculate" our space and interact with it so effectively? Find algorithms?

- Because the brain "sees" the quantum of the Universe.

-   ,     , -  DS .
-, -  DevOps . -       .     -  .


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