What did Elon Musk talk about at the Give Mars! Conference?

Hello, Habr! Friday is a good time for fantasy and reflection. And today we propose to reflect on what conferences could be held during the period of active exploration of Mars. Why this one? Why not! Who cares - join under the cut.

Image: NASA / JPL-Caltech

As part of such a thought experiment, we did not begin to produce unnecessary entities and took as a basis that the only lecturer we would have would be Elon Musk and his MarsGuy program dedicated to the development of the red planet and developing software for successful colonization. And the conference itself is, in a way, a report for existing investors, an advertisement for new ones and a way to tell about their achievements.

Block one "Flight"

Elon talks about new models of transport ships. Speeds are increasing, delivery times for cargo and passengers are decreasing, and the payload is constantly growing. MarsGuy is constantly working on the quality of delivery and damage to the transported equipment is excluded. Thanks to the updated crew capsules, the age range of passengers has been significantly expanded, and now even an unprepared schoolchild can become a colonizer, which opens up new opportunities for families who have long wanted to master new professions.

Elon also launched the construction of five new spaceports on different continents and now those who want to take part in the Martian program do not have to go to America. The road to Mars passes by your home, there are no obstacles to discoverers. They are trying to attract local residents for construction, which is useful for reducing unemployment.

Block two "Communication"

Mastering this is wonderful, but the colonists must not lose touch with the Earth, and the Earth with its sponsors. In addition, there must be communication on Mars itself. Wise Musk understands this and deploys the MLink subsystem, which provides subscribers with stable communication at any point, both on the surface of Mars and on the way to it. MLink is a high-speed data transmission medium that relies on a network of satellites and provides colonists with communication between themselves and the Earth with minimal delays. The system received a 7G class, since the first went to interplanetary roaming and Elon personally called his grandmother from Mars to Earth.

MLink has implemented the latest encryption systems and data rates. At the same time, the new communicators have optimized the power consumption of communication modules by increasing the autonomy of expedition teams, and a new generation of transmitting antennas provides stable communication even in deep caves.

Block three "Protection"

Mars is a rather harsh climate and places high demands on the protection of settlements, settlers and related equipment. Prefabricated buildings from the MBuild division allow a colony to be deployed in a matter of hours and cover the needs of residents in all major areas, such as energy, protection from climatic and biological threats and maintaining a high level of living conditions. The MBuild buildings are made of high-strength, self-healing material and allow you to erect mid-rise buildings with a minimum of exploration. The housings are seismic resistant, protected from hurricanes, acid rain and have the highest class of lightning protection.

When it comes to protecting settlements, we can't fail to mention the new MSuit range of suits. An updated design, an updated life support system and a modular configuration system allow you to convert a settler from an ordinary resident into, for example, a full-fledged combat unit in half an hour. And since we are talking about combat units, the fresh line of MArms weapons has removed all questions on the topic of "can the colony stand up for itself", hello, fans of Doom games.

Fourth block "Road"

Speaking about expeditions, the question of delivering researchers to the point of the route always arises. It is this question that the MRoad division closes, releasing a line of both unmanned and traditional vehicles on tracked, wheeled and manipulative travel. The range of shuttles covers such industries as passenger, cargo-passenger and heavy-duty transport. Navigation is provided by the MLink subsystem from the second conference block. The shuttles are easy to convert for any task from transporting passengers and conducting hostilities to geological exploration and construction of MBuild hulls.

The MBuild division is well aware that Mars is still experiencing difficulties with the road network, so all MRoad shuttles have the highest cross-country ability, regardless of the mode of travel. Of course, it will be problematic to storm mountains on a wheelbase, but an unmanned crawler shuttle will cope with the delivery of cargo to a hill of medium height without problems.

Final block "energy"

An overview of the sources and methods of power supply for the colony, colonists and equipment is bursting into the conference. This is where the MEnergy division went full swing. Ultra-high density renewable cells have been shown in formats ranging from wearable to stationary. Geothermal springs have been completely redesigned, which made it possible to obtain three times more energy compared to the previous generation of sources.

All power sources have received updated protection modules, ensuring uninterrupted protection of equipment, so our servers will never stand without power. And they will have to work, because any colony has to store data about its work somewhere, so take a look at our tariff plans , perhaps there were Martian prices there.

Friends, thank you for reading our humble fantasy to the end. What else do you think you could tell at such a conference?


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