Creation of a neural network for face recognition in photos from Vkontakte

This article will describe the experience of creating a neural network for face recognition, for sorting all photos from a VK conversation to find a specific person. Without any experience in writing neural networks and minimal knowledge of Python.


We have a friend, whose name is Sergei, who loves to photograph himself in an unusual way and send in a conversation, and also spices these photos with corporate phrases. So one of the evenings on the discord, we had an idea - to create a public in VK, where we could post Sergey with his quotes. The first 10 posts in the postponement were easy, but then it became clear that there was no point in going over all the attachments in a conversation with your hands. So it was decided to write a neural network to automate this process.


  1. Get links to photos from a conversation
  2. Download photos
  3. Writing a neural network

Before starting development
, Python pip. , 0, ,

1. Getting links to photos

So we want to get all the photos from the conversation, the messages.getHistoryAttachments method is suitable for us , which returns the materials of the dialogue or conversation.
Since February 15, 2019, Vkontakte has denied access to messages for applications that have not passed moderation. As a workaround, I can suggest vkhost , which will help you get a token from third-party messengers

With the received token on vkhost, we can collect the API request we need using Postman . You can, of course, fill everything with pens without it, but for clarity we will use

it.Fill in the parameters:

  • peer_id - destination identifier
    For a conversation: 2,000,000,000 + conversation id (can be seen in the address bar).

    For user: user id.
  • media_type - media type
    In our case, photo
  • start_from - offset to select multiple items.
    Let's leave it empty for now.
  • count - the number of received objects
    Maximum 200, that's how much we will use
  • photo_sizes - flag to return all sizes in the array
    1 or 0. We use 1
  • preserve_order - flag indicating whether attachments should be returned in their original order
    1 or 0. We use 1
  • v - vk api version
    1 or 0. We use 1

Filled fields in Postman

Go to writing code

For convenience, all the code will be split into several separate scripts.

Will use the json module (to decode the data) and the requests library (to make http requests)

Code Listing if there are less than 200 photos in a conversation / dialogue

import json
import requests

val = 1 #   

Fin = open("input.txt","a") #     
#  GET   API     response
response = requests.get("")
items = json.loads(response.text) #       JSON

#    GET            ,    

for item in items['response']['items']: #   items
    link = item['attachment']['photo']['sizes'][-1]['url'] #    ,      
    print(val,':',link) #       
    Fin.write(str(link)+"\n") #     
    val += 1 #   

If there are more than 200 photos

import json
import requests

next = None #       
def newfunc():
    val = 1 #   
    global next
    Fin = open("input.txt","a") #     
    #  GET   API     response
    response = requests.get(f"{next}&count=200&photo_size=1&preserve_order=1&max_forwards_level=44&v=5.103&access_token=_")
    items = json.loads(response.text) #       JSON

    if items['response']['items'] != []: #     
        for item in items['response']['items']: #   items
            link = item['attachment']['photo']['sizes'][-1]['url'] #    ,      
            print(val,':',link) #   
            val += 1 #   
            Fin.write(str(link)+"\n") #     
        next = items['response']['next_from'] #      
        newfunc() #  
    else: #    
        print("  ")


It's time to download links

2. Downloading images

To download photos we use the urllib library

import urllib.request

f = open('input.txt') #    

val = 1 #   
for line in f: #   
    line = line.rstrip('\n')
    #     "img"
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(line, f"img/{val}.jpg")
    print(val,':','') #      
    val += 1 #  

The process of loading all the images is not the fastest, especially if the photos are 8330. Space for this case is also required, if the number of photos is the same as mine or more, I recommend freeing up 1.5 - 2 GB for this . The

rough work is finished, now you can start yourself interesting - writing a neural network

3. Writing a neural network

After looking through many different libraries and options, it was decided to use the Face Recognition library

What can it do?

From the documentation, consider the most basic features of

search faces in photos

may find any number of people in the photo, even copes with fuzzy

identification on individual photos

can recognize who belongs to the person in the picture

for us the most suitable method will be the identification of persons


From the requirements for the library, Python 3.3+ or Python 2.7 is required.

Regarding the libraries, the above-mentioned Face Recognition and PIL will be used to work with images.

The Face Recognition library is not officially supported on Windows , but it worked for me. Everything works stably with macOS and Linux.

Explanation of what is happening

To begin with, we need to set a classifier to search for a person, by whom further verification of photos will already occur.

I recommend choosing the clearest possible photo of a person in frontal view.
When uploading a photo, the library breaks the images into the coordinates of a person's facial features (nose, eyes, mouth and chin)

Well, then the matter is small, it remains only to apply a similar method to the photo that we want to compare with our classifier. Then we let the neural network compare facial features by coordinates.

Well, the actual code itself:

import face_recognition
from PIL import Image #     

find_face = face_recognition.load_image_file("face/sergey.jpg") #    
face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(find_face)[0] #    ,      

i = 0 #   
done = 0 #  
numFiles = 8330 #   - 
while i != numFiles:
    i += 1 #    
    unknown_picture = face_recognition.load_image_file(f"img/{i}.jpg") #   
    unknown_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(unknown_picture) #    

    pil_image = Image.fromarray(unknown_picture) #    

    if len(unknown_face_encoding) > 0: #   
        encoding = unknown_face_encoding[0] #   0 ,  
        results = face_recognition.compare_faces([face_encoding], encoding) #  

        if results[0] == True: #   
            done += 1 #    
            print(i,"-","   !")
  "done/{int(done)}.jpg") #     
        else: #    
            print(i,"-","   !")
    else: #    
        print(i,"-","  !")

It is also possible to run everything according to in-depth analysis on a video card, for this you need to add the model = "cnn" parameter and change the code fragment for the image with which we want to search for the right person:

    unknown_picture = face_recognition.load_image_file(f"img/{i}.jpg") #   
    face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(unknown_picture, model= "cnn") #   GPU
    unknown_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(unknown_picture) #    


No GPU. By time, the neural network went through and sorted 8330 photos in 1 hour 40 minutes and at the same time found 142 photos, 62 of them with the image of the desired person. Of course there have been false positives on memes and other people.

C GPU. The processing time took much more, 17 hours and 22 minutes, and I found 230 photos of which 99 are the person we need.

In conclusion, we can say that the work was not done in vain. We have automated the process of sorting 8,330 photos, which is much better than going through it yourself.

You can also download the entire source code from github

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