Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda - Walkthrough

Hello, Habr! I present to your attention the translation of the article "Migrating process BPMN from IBM BPM to Camunda - Step-by-step Tutorial" by Joe Pappas.

If you think you can export BPMN from IBM, that you can open it in Camunda Modeler, you might be in for a surprise. The IBM BPMN export was found to not include the diagram information that tools such as Camunda Modeler use to display the diagram. In this tutorial, we'll cover two approaches, using utilities developed by our team of consultants to help you create a complete diagram that can be opened and viewed not only in Camunda Modeler, but in any BPMN-compliant design tool.

Camunda Consulting team has created a set of freely available tools for migrating process flows. IBM process thread migration tools can be found here . You will notice that there are currently two tools for IBM. One is a BPMN converter and the other is a Teamworks file aka .twx converter. We will first look at the BPMN converter tutorial and then move on to the .twx converter.

BPMN Converter Guide

The BPMN Converter can be found here . You will notice that this is a Maven project and can be opened in almost any IDE. Eclipse and Intellij are two of the most popular IDEs. But first, you will need to clone or download the migration tools repository - you can do this here .

For this tutorial, we will be using Eclipse as our IDE.

  • After cloning or downloading the Git repository, copy the contents of the IBM BPMN Tools Export Converter repository into a fresh workspace. If, for example, your Git repository is at C: \ gitRepos , then you can find the IBM BPMN converter at C: \ gitRepos \ migrate-to-camunda-tools \ IBM \ create diagram from exported BPMN .
  • Copy the entire folder to the workspace of your choice.
  • Next, launch Eclipse and select the workspace where you just copied the content. Once Eclipse starts, go to File> Import> General> Projects from Folder or Archive .
  • Next. Directory () , . (. ).
  • Finish.

Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

. , Java , .

Run, Eclipse:

  • Run As > Run Configurations...
  • Java Application, . . .
  • . Search, , โ€” BPMNDiagramGenerator. OK.
  • :

Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

, โ€” BPMN IBM, โ€” . Program arguments Arguments, . BPMN-. :




Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

Run. , :

BPMN diagram generated Diagram ./src/main/resources/SampleBPMNfromIBM.bpmn converted from IBM BPMN and can be found at ./src/main/resources/Converted.bpmn

Camunda Modeler, Converted.bpmn , , 'swimlane', 'pool' Camunda BPMN, .

, . , , , , . , BPMN , - . . , , โ€” , -, .

, Blueworks Live BPMN:

Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

Camunda Modeler , :

Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

, IBM BPM, .

IBM BPM .twx

.twx ( Teamworks), .twx โ€” , . .twx โ€” IBM BPM, zipped xml . xml-, , BPMN-, , , BPMN-. , , xml , , twx-.

/ git-, , , Eclipse. , . , .twx .

Run , . Run As > Run Configurations.... Java Applications , . , , , BPMN TWX-. , . , BPMNGenFromTWX. , , .

โ€./src/main/resources/TWXOriginal.xmlโ€ โ€œ./src/main/resources/TWXConverted.bpmnโ€

Run. , :

BPMN diagram generated Diagram ./src/main/resources/TWXOriginal.xml converted from IBM .twx export and can be found at ./src/main/resources/TWXConverted.bpmn

PNG (PictureOfProcess.PNG) IBM :

Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

Modeler, TWXConverted.bpmn, :

Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

, .twx, , .twx , BPMN- . - IBM Camunda.


, xmls .twx . .twx โ€” zip, โ€” .twx .zip , zip, .

, /objects. , xml , . , , "25", - . - . - :

Migrating BPMN Process from IBM BPM to Camunda

, , , . . !


jar- , :

  • โ€” pom.xml Run As > Maven install.
  • โ€” , Show in Local Terminal Maven: mvn clean package install.

Either way (or using your preferred method) you should get the jar file in the / target folder. Copy this jar anywhere and enter the following command in terminal:

java -jar yourGeneratedJarFile . jar โ€œyour input fileโ€ โ€œyour output fileโ€

Like this! Please feel free to leave feedback on the forum and see this Git repository for additional converters as they become available.

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