Online meetup of the MSK VUE.JS developer community


On July 23rd, we invite you to the online meetup of the MSK VUE.JS developer community.

In the meetup program:

  • Development of a report designer with Cube.js;
  • 5 powerful techniques for optimizing vue applications;
  • Solving REST API problems with GraphQL.

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About the meetup

Cube.js developer Leonid Yakovlev will tell you how to create a report designer using cube.js on the backend. He will talk in detail about what a query builder is, what its advantages are, and will show you an example of a simple queryBuilder

Head of AFFINAGE Igor Yakovlev will share his own techniques, insights and life hacks on how to develop really fast vue applications.

Yulia Kuznetsova, developer of Moscow Exchange, will tell you how GraphQL helps to solve the problems of REST API architecture and show how to do it using the example of Vue Apollo.

About experts

Leonid Yakovlev is a developer in the Developer Relations and Community team of the Cube.js framework.

Igor Yakovlev is the head of outsourcing production for the front-end AFFINAGE.

Julia Kuznetsova is a senior developer at the Moscow Exchange.


MSK VUE.JS is a Vue.js developer community that regularly hosts meetups to share experiences, discuss prospects and build a community.

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