PHP-Digest # 184 (July 6 - 20, 2020)

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: What will happen with PHP support on Windows, PHP 8 Alpha 2, ReactPHP - officially production-ready, 2 new RFC proposals and 6 on the vote, a portion of useful tools, articles, videos and podcasts.

Enjoy reading!

News and releases

  • PHP 8.0.0 Alpha 2 β€” 4 . 2- , , , /.
  • PHP 7.4.8, PHP 7.3.20, PHP 7.2.32 β€” Windows, CVE-2020-8169 libcurl. β€” .
  • PHP Russia 2020, 29 , β€” β€” PHP 8 !
  • Microsoft, Windows PHP β€” Microsoft , PHP Windows 7.2, 7.3 7.4 , . PHP Windows 8.0.

    , Microsoft - PHP, , . PHP Windows, , PHP, PHP- -.

    Joe Watkins, Azure:

PHP Internals

PHP 8.0

A whole bunch of proposals are in the voting stage and it looks like everyone will pass:

PHP 8.1




Async PHP

  • reactphp/http 1.0 β€” HTTP ReactPHP.

    ReactPHP - 2 .

phpstorm PhpStorm


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