Inertia.js - modern monolith

Inertia - modern monolith

Do you know how to write SPA in Laravel? In short, not very convenient. Of course, you can use any front-end framework. Traditionally, it is customary to work with the Laravel + Vue.js bundle.

We write the entire frontend in Vue.js in resources/js, and use Laravel as an API.

Something like this:


// resources/js/pages/Users.vue
    <div v-for="user in users" :key="">
        <a :href="`/users/${}`">
          {{ }}
        <div>{{ }}</div>

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                users: []
        methods: {
            async loadUsers() {
                const { data } = await this.$axios.get('/api/users');.
                this.users = data;
        async beforeMount() {
            await this.loadUsers();


// routes/api.php
Route::get('/users', function index(User $user) {
    return $user->all();

That is, first we create an endpoint on the backend, and then on the front we receive data from it via an AJAX request.

? . . AJAX – . , Blade, , .

Blade, , :

return view('users', [
    'users' => $user->all()

? , - -. Blade - . Laravel – API, - . .. ..

Inertia.js. , Blade. – Vue, React Svelte.

Laravel, Inertia.js Rails. . (, Symfony Yii2).

Vue.js Laravel. , .

return Inertia::render('Users', [
    'users' => $user->all()


props: {
  users: Array,

! .

- №2: (Vue Router, React Router) . – routes Vue- resources/js/Pages ( ). , Blade, , component.blade.php Component.vue.

: . AJAX-, , - . AppServiceProvider

    'errors' => function () {
        return Session::get('errors')
            ? Session::get('errors')->getBag('default')->getMessages()
            : (object) [];

Vue- $page.errors.

<div v-if="$page.errors.first_name">{{ $page.errors.first_name[0] }}</div>


, ( ), "", , .

    'app' => [
        'name' => Config::get('')
    'auth' => function () {
        return [
            'user' => Auth::user() ? [
                'id' => Auth::user()->id,
                'first_name' => Auth::user()->first_name,
                'last_name' => Auth::user()->last_name,
            ] : null

, , – , – (1, 2).

, , , . - , .

. , , , . . , , .

, .

-, Inertia.js . , - Inertia.js, . , ( ).

-, Server-Side Rendering (SSR). , , , , SPA SSR, . , , , , . SSR, – Livewire. - .

-, Inertia.js – . – v0.1.9. , .

, web- .

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