The MADE Academy and HeadHunter are conducting research for the second year in a row. This time, experts analyzed 10,500 resumes and 8,100 vacancies.
The demand for data science specialists is constantly growing
Data analysts are among the most sought after in the market. In 2019, there were 9.6 times more vacancies in data analysis , and 7.2 times more vacancies in machine learning than in 2015. Compared to 2018, the number of vacancies for data analysts increased 1.4 times, and for machine learning - 1.3 times.
IT, finance, B2B - three main areas for data scientists
More active than other big data specialists are looking for IT companies (they account for more than a third - 38% - of open vacancies), companies from the financial sector (29% of vacancies), as well as from the business services sector (9% of vacancies).
The same situation is in the field of machine learning. But here the preponderance in favor of IT companies is even more obvious - they publish 55% of vacancies on the market. Every tenth vacancy is posted by companies from the financial sector (10% of vacancies) and business services (9%).
From July 2019 to April 2020, CVs for data scientists and machine learning have increased by 33%. The former post an average of 246 resumes per month, the latter 47.
What employers expect
The most popular skill is Python. This requirement is found in 45% of data science vacancies and in half (51%) of vacancies in machine learning.
Employers also want data scientists to know SQL (23%), be proficient in Data Mining (19%), mathematical statistics (11%) and be able to work with big data (10%).
Employers looking for machine learning specialists, along with knowledge of Python, expect the candidate to be proficient in C ++ (18%), SQL (15%), machine learning algorithms (13%) and Linux (11%).
What applicants can do
In general, the supply in the Data Science market matches the demand. The most common skills for data scientists are Python (77%), SQL (48%), data analysis (45%), Git (28%), and Linux (21%). At the same time, proficiency in Python, SQL and Git are skills that are almost equally often found in the resume of specialists of any level. Experienced specialists are distinguished by advanced data analysis skills, including intellectual (Data Analysis and Data Mining).
Do you want to master machine learning or improve your skills? Recruitment for MADE Big Data Academy is still ongoing. Education is free, but you need to pass entrance tests. Sign up using the link .