Watch movies with subtitles on your phone?

Why not actually? The idea was born when I started watching films in the original, but with subtitles. At some point, I noticed that I do not concentrate at all on colloquial speech, I do not try to understand it, but only read the subtitles. I tried to turn off the subtitles, but very quickly turned it back on, because I just didn't understand it by ear. That's when the idea began to emerge to separate the film and subtitles.

At first I wanted to make them easy to turn on and off, but this was not enough, since I still had to rewind back to revise an incomprehensible section with subtitles. Then the idea arose to show subtitles in a table next to the film, since sometimes in complex dialogues you need a context and you get tired of winding back there. In the end, when I bought the TV, I decided that it was better to show them on the phone. When I need to, I can read forward, backward, when not necessary, he lies nearby. This is how the idea for this kodi-remote-subtitles application was born .

The first thought was to make an addon to Kodi , but when I started reading the manual, it turned out that there is a quite suitable api that it was decided to use.

At first I tried using http , but there were problems with CORS. Since there was a desire to make it as simple as possible, I did not want to write the server part, and therefore I decided to use websocket which does not have such a problem. In theory, I wanted only a client version of the application that would run somewhere on github pages and anyone could use it, unfortunately this turned out to be impossible. Kodi does not support the secure connection 'wss: // ...' but only 'ws: // ...', which eventually resulted in mixed content . I did not start the http server, I think it is not correct. For myself, I decided that if I see that the application helps and people use it, then I will write a mobile application, it's more of a concept check.

What does the applique do? It syncs with Kodi, and if you upload subtitles to it in * .srt format (you can also download it from opensubtitles ), it shows them as a list of subtitles. If you do not understand something, you can stop viewing and read, or return. Again, the main idea is to watch movies without, and if it is not clear, then you can conveniently and quickly slip your eyes and understand what it is about.

For example, I simultaneously open my application with google translate on the iPad, and I can immediately translate an incomprehensible sentence:

When I told a friend about it, he asked me to add the ability to turn on / off subtitles on the screen with one button, as well as rewind 15 seconds back and turn on subtitles with one button. The basic view mode was made for it:

How to install?

http server ( http, https), mibox s termux, nginx. VueJS : nodejs. 12,13 14 , .

git clone

cd kodi-remote-subtitles
npm install && npm run build

dist http . root , publicPath vue.config.js

Next, you must allow remote control of Kodi via the web interface and register ip: port in the application settings. I wrote a slightly more detailed instruction in the README on github.

Happy viewing and would like to receive feedback.

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