readable - another linter for PHP

I would like to introduce a PHP readable linter . It now contains 16 rules that should improve the readability of the code. The main advantages include:

  • speed - less than a second per 1000 files
  • baseline setting - you can not fix all the errors in the project at once, but create a configuration with current errors. And ignore them, but react to new ones.
  • rules are easier to write than analogs (subjective)

Two important disclaimers :

  1. I am the main contributor, so I can be subjective. Readable was originally written for the Belgian company officient . They have been using it internally for some time now, and decided to make readable an open source project.
  2. It is written in JS.

Installation and launch

readable is installed via npm:

$ npm install @officient/readable --save-dev

After installation, you need to create a configuration file:

$ npx readable --init

And you can run:

$ npx readable


There are currently 16 rules in readable:

  1. namespace-max-files - maximum number of files in the namespace
  2. argument-override - prohibit changing the value of function arguments
  3. file-max-size - the maximum number of lines in the file
  4. empty-catch - ban on empty catchblock
  5. class-comment — - ,
  6. forbidden-functions — (eval, print_r ...)
  7. missing-bracesif, for ...
  8. variable-length — ( $id, $i)
  9. function-max-size
  10. loop-max-size
  11. forbidden-function-prefix — . , checkSomething — , ?
  12. if-assigmentif
  13. complex-if&& || if
  14. ternary-max-length
  15. loop-max-nest
  16. max-nest

readable , . — . , - , :

  1. readable . , .
  2. . , .

Let's take the loop-max-size rule as an example . All his code:

const loops = ['for', 'foreach'];

module.exports = {
  check(maxLines, tokens, report) {
    tokens.matchAll(loops, (token) => {
      const end = token.copy().step().stepToClosing(); // skip ()
      const lines = (end.current().line - token.current().line);
      if (lines > maxLines) {
        report(`Loop is longer than ${maxLines} lines [${lines}].`, token.current());

The rule states:

  1. find everything forand foreach.
  2. Take the next token .step(), it will be an open parenthesis (. Go to the closing parenthesis .stepToClosing().
  3. Repeat the second step but for the body of the loop ( {and }).
  4. Check the length of the cycle body.

Instead of a conclusion

I use readable in my projects as an additional linter for code. I like everything, especially the baseline (in fairness, Psalm also has this). He has the opportunity to occupy the niche of the auxiliary linter.

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