On the threshold of quantum consciousness

Prerequisites for the emergence of an AI superior to the human brain:

  • Moore's law for quantum computers;
  • the emergence of programming languages ​​for quantum computers;
  • a quantum computer is similar to the work of human intuition, will and consciousness - almost instantaneous enumeration of all possible options for solving a problem and choosing the optimal answer;
  • the prohibition of cloning quantum states is analogous to the impossibility of cloning our consciousness;
  • quantum AI should complement classical AI, just as in the human brain its various structures work as a single mechanism;
  • any classical AI learns to solve only one problem and works more efficiently than a human only in a narrow segment of activity. For example, a trained AI model is better at playing chess, but not capable of doing anything else. Quantum AI should replicate approaches to solving various types of problems, accelerating the process of learning a new problem.

Suppose ...

The permanent "I" of a person does not exist. The "I" of the individual arises in response to the interaction of a person with the world and is necessary for him to work more effectively with the outside world. In different states, a different "I" arises: in a dream - one "I", in reality - another "I".

Therefore, there is no fundamentally insoluble problem of transferring consciousness to another carrier.

Unconsciously, the most automatic elements of the brain work in a person, which control the work of vital organs. As soon as the need arises to make a decision and make a choice, they speak of the appearance of a certain “I” - consciousness. The choice is made by an element of the human brain, apparently of a quantum nature - an analogue of quantum AI. True, the presence of a conscious choice does not necessarily mean the emergence of self-awareness - a certain "I". For the emergence of "I" requires active interaction with memory - with that memory that can be visualized, heard or virtualized (represented) in any other way, accumulated by human experience. Moreover, various blocks of the content of experience, access to which is carried out, for example, in a dream or in reality, give rise to different "I" of a person.Although sometimes part of the experience of various states penetrates each other and thus one “I” of the individual is united with another of his “I”, enriching each other.


The transfer of consciousness, apparently, will be carried out as a trend emerges for the integration of neurointerfaces into the human brain. At first, this will be relevant to increase human capabilities, and then to transfer consciousness to another medium, either autonomous or into a single network - the quantum Internet. As the power of the implanted element grows and quantum AI appears in its composition, a second consciousness and "I" will appear in the human consciousness, which will be activated at certain moments, for example, in critical situations, when the human consciousness will not be able to quickly solve the problem. Then there should be a fusion of two types of consciousness and the emergence of a single "I" with a mutually enriched memory, which will be able to choose one or another experience. In the future, perhapsit will be possible to turn off one type of consciousness (for example, when the human body dies) and complete self-identification with another type of carrier without losing the accumulated experience and continuity of self-consciousness (or its restoration after "awakening").

The rapid development of AI and the emergence of a quantum computer, the technology of which is already developing according to Moore's law, raises the question of the appearance of consciousness in a computer. For a long time it was believed that the self-awareness of a computer (in the sense of being aware of one's own actions and the ability to make decisions on its own) can arise after sufficient development and complication of AI. However, not all brain functions can be translated into classical AI. A neural network can learn one skill and does not seem to be able to translate its experience to other areas of activity. In addition, in problems associated with a large number of solutions (with enumeration), the time to find the optimal solution is extremely long, which is not comparable in efficiency with our brain. So a classic computer is possibly only a part of a complex "device"necessarily includes a part that works on quantum principles. As the human brain develops, a qualitative leap in its evolution that set humans apart from other animals is probably associated with the appearance of that part of the cerebral cortex, the work of which is based on quantum principles.

Modern AI technologies followed approximately the same path as the evolution of life on Earth: first, chemical networks appeared, and then faster ones - neural networks, but still performing a single function. A vital piece of information was recorded in a genetic sequence, so as not to repeat the learning in the life of one organism every time, but to pass on "best practices" from generation to generation. At some point in evolution, a quantum leap took place, when quantum parallelism appeared in the human brain, which made it possible not to learn each skill sequentially, but to analyze, generalize and find the best solution in terms of evolution almost instantly.

We call consciousness a certain “higher” function of the brain that makes a choice, makes a decision. Consciousness is directly related to mental activity, forecasting and modeling, assessment and analysis of the situation, imagination and choice, i.e. this is a complex multidimensional work of the brain and it is associated with enumeration and analysis of all possible options. Consider a simple example - a person wanted to eat a piece of cake ... At some point in time, the human body began to lack sugar and it sends a signal to the brain - the thought arises: "I want a cake." In fact, consciousness interpreted the original need: "Sugar is needed." Why does this process go through the stage of being aware of this need? It would be possible, bypassing the conscious part of the brain, to send a person to the refrigerator and get a cake from there….It is as if a person is given the right to make the final decision: to eat or not to eat a cake. At the same time, it becomes possible to simulate a situation, predict possible consequences, determine its importance, rank needs, determine how timely it is now, etc. think about it and make a decision.

For the vital processes of the body of the organism (heartbeat, breathing, digestion, etc.), consciousness, as a rule, is not integrated into the decision-making process, i.e. information is not transmitted to the conscious part of the brain. These processes have already been defined (automated) in the process of evolution and no conscious intervention is required. Therefore, we can assume that consciousness is needed there (and it is built into the information chain for making a decision) where evolution has not yet worked out the optimal way of functioning.

In our brain, two components can be distinguished, analogous to the two types of existing computers: classical and quantum.

In order to understand which parts of the human brain are based on quantum phenomena, we first denote the classical ones. Obviously, the first on this list will be - the parts of the brain responsible for processing signals coming from the organs of perception: an analogue of AI for pattern recognition. Signals from the outside world are fed into the input, and the output is a "picture" - an image of an object with which other parts of the brain work. Some of the signals are processed by the unconscious - the automatic elements of our computer. The entire ancient part of the brain - the areas associated with the processes of ensuring the vital activity of the organism - is a classic computer, an area of ​​the unconscious, accumulated by millennial evolution.

Others pass through the newest parts of the brain from the point of view of evolution, associated with the work of our consciousness, which seem to be analogous to quantum computers. Consciousness is embedded in the information chain for decision-making only in the process of initial learning new skills, i.e. the first few hundred times, depending on the skill types. This is how we learn to drive consciously. But after mastering the skill "to automatism" we completely transfer this function to the unconscious. After training, the conscious decision-making and control function is fully automated and moves to the unconscious level - i.e. a new skill is formed. At the same time, the speed of decision-making increases many times over - the more skill training, the higher the reaction speed. Examples of training can be: learning a language or painting,driving a bike or car, teaching dance or martial arts. When new information appears with an already formed skill, the conscious function is activated again, retraining our neural network, and then goes out again. It is characteristic that the perception of time during training or other conscious activity is lengthened (for example, traveling to unfamiliar places), but on the contrary, for routine operations, subjective time is shortened.on the contrary, for routine operations, the subjective time is shortened.on the contrary, for routine operations, the subjective time is shortened.

(E. Schrödinger wrote about the emergence of consciousness in the learning process in his works) The

classical neural network of our brain learns only one skill and does not in any way affect the operation of other neural networks. A quantum computer does a good job of sorting through values. The quantum network of our brain allows us to instantly enumerate all possible options and thus is able to optimize the thinking process, choosing the best option for solving a problem. Our brain first creates a virtual set of images - a model of the future - and performs quantum enumeration over them. The search itself is carried out due to the phenomenon of quantum parallelism and occurs almost instantly.

During training, attention is focused on one task and the better the concentration of attention, the better the result of this training. As a rule, people with good attention achieve better results. The level of motivation also affects the speed of learning through the mechanism of attention (concentration).

The process of training a neural network itself is the selection of the optimal parameters of individual neurons in order to obtain the best response to incoming signals.

How, and most importantly, why is consciousness connected in the learning process - a quantum computer of the brain? Obviously, better coping with brute force problems, he better simulates a future situation and, without waiting for feedback from the outside world, goes over all possible situations that could arise in the real world. The training time is greatly accelerated, increasing the survival rate of the organism. T.O. natural selection chooses conscious activity.

There are still many questions about the quantum nature of human consciousness, in particular, what kind of material medium provides quantum consciousness in the human brain? This is a topic for future research.

The best proof of the hypothesis about the quantum nature of consciousness or its refutation will be the creation of AI based on a quantum computer.

cm.Neurons of consciousness E.N. SOKOLOV

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