[Video] What is the power of dashboards, how to test JS libraries, and what it takes to release your own framework in open source

The post is dedicated to everyone who virtually didn't make it to our online meetup, which we dedicated to automated testing tools. We publish a video from BugsBusters 2020 - watch and it will be a good start to the week.

The power of dashboards

Egor Ivanov, Test Automation Specialist (Yandex.Money)

I'll tell you how and why the integration testing team began to use dashboards. I will share what profit we get from this tool and why we consider it important.


0:55 What specialists will benefit from the report

1:10 What is a dashboard? Examples from life. Definition of the term, basic types.

4:05 Meet the integration testing team. Instrument interaction scheme: Jira, Autorun, Locker, Pinger, Jenkins

7:32 What to do when something goes wrong - the role of the attendant

8:15 Dashboard of the attendant: scaling tasks, using Grafana

11:26 How the metrics are sent . Types of metrics.

13:09 The process of sending metrics from Java and sh

14:10 How to build a dashboard? How can dashboards be used?

15:00 Example 1 - dashboard as a metrics visualizer

18:20Example 2 - a dashboard as a motivator

22:18 Example 3 - a dashboard for analysis

24:45 Example 4 - a dashboard to save time

27:00 Summing up: what we got from the implementation of dashboards

The holy grail of automation: if you can't find it, create it yourself

Andrey Ganin, QA Head (Alfa-Bank)

It seems that the choice of tools for automation is huge - until you need E2E tests in C #. I'll talk about how we created our own framework: about the difficulties, unfulfilled hopes and the intricacies of releasing an internal product in open source.


1:30 What will the talk be about?

2:20 Background: how Alfa-Bank started thinking about reducing the time spent on checking internal products.

3:32 Identifying the main problem - lack of documentation.

4:21 Results of the first implementation of the framework

5:28 Description of the second iteration. SpecFlow. Results of the second implementation

8:32 What if? .. Creation of a tool that could create autotests without any errors and without installing additional software.

9:20 Scheme of interaction of internal AFT Desk tools

10:58 And why is all this?

13:35 Separation of tests with the framework. How does it happen inside?

16:31Global change: Microsoft stops developing the Net Framework. Transition to Net Standard

18:20 How the process changed after the transition. Pros and cons

20:57 Applicability of the framework. Examples. Page Object Patterns

23:11 How to Use Technology?

24:17 How does the release of the new version look like in Open Source. Differences with internal solution

26:44 Conclusions: why use a framework and who can use it? Development plans

How we test the Yandex.Checkout widget

Dmitry Sergienko, senior tester (Yandex.Money)

Yandex.Checkout widget is a JS library that works through an iframe. I'll tell you about my testing experience and our WidgetRunner tool.


0:32 How do I test a JS library?

0:54 Yandex.Checkout widget: what it is.

2:45 Why did we decide to use an iframe

3:04 So how do we test this? The first option (static html file), its disadvantages.

3:45 On a payment token: what it is and how to get it.

5:01 Why didn't approach 1 work? The following approaches

6:09 Why is it bad to test just a form of payment?

7:48 Requirements for the testing tool

8:40 WidgetRunner - how the tool works and its functionality

11:52 Conclusions: what you got with the implementation of the WidgetRunner tool

P.S. Android-, . !

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