The most sexy framework for web applications

Hello! My name is Kirill, I have been doing web development for over 8 years. A few months ago we started developing a new project and we had a task of super fast front, while keeping all the fun of reactive frameworks. Meet the Sexy framework!

So, Sexy framework is a reactive Javascript compiler and analyzer for creating user interfaces. Unlike other frameworks, Sexy is designed to take full advantage of the native potential of Javascript.

This means the framework is not running at runtime. He does all the main work at the time of compilation. The framework analyzes your components and translates them into native Javascript with very little overhead: the maximum bundle weight is only 3.7kb gzip. (if all types of rendering, animation, etc. will be used)

In general, Sexy framework was made to work in conjunction with server rendering, where it shows the best Google PageSpeed ​​numbers. For example, the FID (Fisrt input delay) value when hydrating 500 static components takes only 50ms, when NuxtJs has 180ms, and Svelte has 500ms.

This would not be so important if the share of mobile devices on the Internet were not about 68% and it's not just SEO.

Now you can use the component approach and normal component testing for regular websites too.

Why is he so Sexy?

1. Doesn't work at runtime

Most of the work happens at the compilation level, and you end up with native and super efficient Javascript that allows you to build fast web applications.

2. Doesn't use virtual DOM

Again, unlike other frameworks, the native DOM is used instead of the virtual DOM.

3. No reactive libraries

Sexy , , , . ? . Sexy Javascript , .


Sexy hydrate first. , , FID TTI. ( SSR) , 3 .


Sexy Javascript , sexy- .


, Sexy , - . … .

Sexy framework

Sexy :

1. – -

npx create-sexy-app sexy-app

npm run dev

2. – (webpack)


Sexy framework

alpha .

Vue, . .

, core- .

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