Podcast: "I like to research attacks on quantum key distribution systems"

This is the third episode of our new podcast. It was attended by Anton Kozubov, head of the theoretical group of the laboratory of quantum processes and measurements at ITMO University. We discussed his work, projects and industry specifics. You can listen here:

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Timecodes for main topics:

  • 00:16 - a few words about the specifics of the industry;
  • 06:24 - opportunities for scholars from related fields;
  • 10:37 - what tasks are facing the community today;
  • 21:42 - a brief introduction to quantum hacking;
  • 26:18 - you can't just take and not interfere with colleagues;
  • 29:50 - why it is important not to rush to publish protection methods;
  • 33:09 - a little about interaction with regulatory organizations;
  • 36:07 - on the distinction between fundamental and applied research.

Podcast cooks and leads dmitrykabanov...

Notes and additional reading on the topic of the release:

  • Laboratory of Quantum Processes and Measurements established at ITMO University
  • Anton Kozubov became the only speaker from Russia at the QKD Security workshop
  • Russian system of quantum communication has proven resistance to collective attacks

Earlier in the podcast:

  • What scientific data visualization and gamedev have in common
  • How to make a stadium-wide AR show
  • What awaits budding scientists in the field of ML

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