Management hysteria. In normal words

I used to be stupid and write hudlits. Now I understand everything, and I don't write hudlit on Habré. But why does good disappear? More precisely, I want to understand whether there is goodness or benefit in that. I will try to take a thin article and present its message in normal words. And what happens - it's up to you. The original is here .

Probably, everyone - both subordinates and managers faced with managerial hysteria.

From the leader’s side, this state is “how did you get me, now I’ll take my soul out of you!” It usually happens when Something happens - some kind of serious crisis, a large joint, the loss of a client, a blockage of the project. Or just pile up, pile up, pile up, and then bam! - someone's slightest offense, and off we go.

From the side of subordinates, respectively, the manager's hysteria is either understandable or not. When the joint is serious and obvious, everything is clear. When the boss explodes because of some trifle, one can only guess from what and during what time the explosion was formed.

In the psychology of everyday life, this phenomenon is explained by the suppression of emotions and the lack of stress release. A man walks around, smiles, behaves appropriately, and then, inexplicably, abruptly, does something like that.

The meaning is simple: a person does nothing with stress, i.e. with what he doesn't like.

In managerial hysteria, it is about the same if it is caused by the accumulated "closing eyes" on the schools of subordinates. Here I forgiven, there I didn’t speak out dissatisfaction, I didn’t correct here - considering that, it seems, everything is clear, and people should by default, according to their own understanding, act well and correctly.

Silence is a dangerous tactic. To think that subordinates understand everything is even more dangerous. In this sense, the psychology of subordinates is like in children, or even in dogs. If you didn’t swear, then nothing bad happened. If he didn’t shout, he didn’t bump his nose, then the border is somewhere further, and we can continue in the same spirit.

The hysteria caused by a major failure is, alas, a consequence of managerial impotence. This happens often - the manager does not direct the process or the project, but simply sits next to him and waits for what will happen. Not because he set up such an experiment, but because he does not know how to lead. Doesn't know how to understand progress, whether everything is going well, whether adjustments are needed, and how to make them. Therefore, he pretends that he has everything under control until a failure occurs.

When a failure occurs, in most cases something else can be fixed - but for this, again, one must not be managerial impotent. You need to know both management and be able to lead. But if a person does not know how, he can only hysteria - screaming, cursing, firing, giving out meaningless instructions. The most traditional is "provide me with an action plan to prevent a similar situation in the future." Why do you need this plan, buddy, if you don't know how to do anything?

There is also an unpredictable, uncontrollable version of hysteria - an external cause. Nelads with superiors, with a wife, a neighbor, drunks at the store, an accident, etc. In general, it is believed that a leader should hide unnecessary emotions and be able to portray the necessary ones, but this, again, will lead to managerial hysteria of the first type. We are all humans.

What to do with managerial hysteria?

Subordinates recipe one - silently survive. There is no point in arguing, convincing, making excuses, attacking - this will only develop hysteria, give it a reason, fuel, purpose and meaning. In part, resistance to hysteria will justify it - since they argue, then I am right, I touched a quick fix, I felt weakness, real violations.

Silence and fulfill. Need the head of the event? Write. You don't have to do this at breakneck speed - exactly at the time that he asks. Clearly, neatly, in sufficient detail, but without specifics. Does he need an analysis of the reasons? Write something streamlined. He wants to discuss whether it’s a pity or something.

The main thing, remember - in a day or two the hysteria will pass, and it is important for you not to turn the game into reality during this time. For example, if you write down measures for elimination with too much zeal, and send them to your boss an hour after the tantrum, then it is highly likely that you will be assigned to carry out these measures. If you really want it, then go straight ahead.

But the boss doesn't need your events. In two days he will forget his hysteria, like a binge, and for everything that happened during this period, he will be a little ashamed. Including, for the events for which you signed it. Yes, yes, you, not him. Consider that you have persuaded a drunk person to take a microloan - it is not difficult while he is in an altered state of consciousness, but it’s something to pay him. He will now be obliged to monitor the execution of issued instructions, listen to your reports, read letters, etc. So you bring him to a new, extraordinary tantrum.

Leadership advice is simple: learn to lead. Then there will be no reason for hysterics.

Learn to understand the state of long-running projects and processes at any given time. There are a lot of tools for this - at least controlling and flexible methodologies, of which there are a dime a dozen now. They need not only to know, in theory, but also to be able to apply in practice. For example, you can set yourself the simple goal of using them: always understand the state of the process or project. Whether we are in time or not, we need to correct or everything goes according to plan. Well, or understand this not always, but with a periodicity that you understand - for example, once a week.

Well, it seems to me that it is easier to relate to work. It's just a game like that. Like any other game that you play with enthusiasm, it gives both positive and negative emotions. But if you start to destroy furniture and people from a loss, then this is already a problem, and withdrawal symptoms need to be treated.

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