How to solve GeeTest captcha-slider using JS

My previous article on this topic is

"How to Bypass Captcha Sliders Using JS and Puppeteer"

In this article, I will go even further and solve the captcha-slider in another way. This method solves the captcha slider faster and more efficiently. The focus will be on the CAPTCHA slider from GeeTest, but you can apply this to any other CAPTCHA slider. I'll show you how to get around it in a few steps.


1. Acquiring images

GeeTest. Puppeteer , . , .

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const fs = require ('fs').promises

async function run () {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        headless: true,
        defaultViewport: { widht: 1366, height: 768 }
    const page = await browser.newPage()

    await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' })

    await page.waitFor(3000)

    await page.waitForSelector('')

    await page.waitForSelector('[aria-label="Click to verify"]')
    await page.waitFor(1000)

    await'[aria-label=Click to verify"]')

    await page.waitForSelector('.geetest_canvas_img canvas', { visible: true })
    await page.waitFor(1000)
    let images = await page.$$eval('.geetest_canvas_img canvas', canvases => {
        return => canvas.toDataURL().replace(/^data:image\/png;base64/, ''))

    await fs.writeFile(`./captcha.png`, images[0], 'base64')
    await fs.writeFile(`./puzzle.png`, images[1], 'base64')
    await fs.writeFile(`./original.png`, images[2], 'base64')

    await browser.close()


, -. , , , .

image image

() ()

. , , . . .


JavaScript .


const Jimp = require('jimp')
const pixelmatch = require('pixelmatch')

async function run() {
    const originalImage = await'./original.png')
    const captchaImage = await'./captcha.png')

    const { widht, height } = originalImage.bitmap
    const diffImage = new Jimp(widht, height)

    const diffOptions = { includeAA: true, threshold: 0.2 }

    pixelmatch(,,, widht, height, diffOptions)


, , , :



, , x . JavaScript OpenCV. :

Node OpenCV, opencv-wasm.

- . threshold (), , erode (, ), , dilate (, ), .

let srcImage = await'./diff.png')
let src = cv.matFromImageData(srcImage.bitmap)

let dst = new cv.Mat()
let kernel = cv.Mat.ones(5, 5, cv.CV_8UC1)
let anchor = new cv.Point(-1, -1)

cv.threshold(src, dst, 127, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
cv.erode(dst, dst, kernel, anchor, 1)
cv.dilate(dst, dst, kernel, anchor, 1)


, , .

let srcImage = await'./diff.png')
let src = cv.matFromImageData(srcImage.bitmap)
let dst = new cv.Mat()

cv.cvtColor(src, src, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv.threshold(src, dst, 150, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY_INV)

let contours = new cv.MatVector()
let hierarchy = new cv.Mat()
cv.findContours(dst, contours, hierarchy, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

let contour = contours.get(0)
let moment = cv.moments(contour)
let cx = Math.floor(moment.m10 / moment.m00)
let cy = Math.floor(moment.m01 / moment.m00)

// cx is what we need
console.log(cx, cy)

cv.cvtColor(dst, dst, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
let redColor = new cv.Scalar(255, 0, 0)

cv.drawContours(dst, contours, 0, redColor), new cv.Point(cx, cy), 3, redColor)
cv.putText(dst, 'center', new cv.Point(cx + 4, cy + 3), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, redColor)

new Jimp({ widht: dst.cols, height: dst.rows, data: Buffer.from( }).write('./diff.png')

: โ€“ ยซ// cx โ€“ , ยป

image image image

, .


, . . - . , .*gpjIJHMW9NB06u7uln208A.gif

2 . . , . , - GeeTest.

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
    headless: false,
    defaultViewport: { widht: 1366, height: 768 }
const page = await browser.newPage()

await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' })

await page.waitFor(1000)

await saveSliderCaptchaImages(page)
await saveDiffImage()

let [cx, cy] = await findDiffPosition(page)

const sliderHandle = await page.$('.geetest_slider_button')
const handle = await sliderHandle.boundingBox()

let xPosition = handle.x + handle.widht / 2
let yPosition = handle.y + handle.height / 2
await page.mouse.move(xPosition, yPosition)
await page.mouse.down()

xPosition = handle.x + cx - handle.widht / 2
yPosition = handle.y + handle.height / 3
await page.mouse.move(xPosition, yPosition, { steps: 25})

await page.waitFor(100)

let [cxPuzzle, cyPuzzle] = await findPuzzlePosition(page)

xPosition = xPosition + cx - cxPuzzle
yPosition = handle.y + handle.height / 2
await page.mouse.move(xPosition, yPosition, { steps: 5 })
await page.mouse.up()

// success!

await browser.close()*t4oovZJFuLKA7i339r7-rw.gif


-, . , Puppeteer .

If you try to solve the captcha too many times, this method may stop working.


GeeTest will eventually figure out how to make this slider captcha harder, or they'll throw away this pathetic slider captcha because it doesn't protect at all.

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